Chapter Seventy-Three: Olympus

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"What do you know of the author?" I asked him.

"Just what I told you as a little girl. They helped the fates record the future." He informed me.

"Well I was wondering because we are looking for the author and I really didn't want to talk to the fates about it. Plus I thought you would know something since you are one of the oldest children of Kronos." I stated.

"Look, I only met him once, Mel and authors change all the time. When I met him he was a rickety old man." He began, "I last heard that the current author is being imprisoned because he was trying to change the past and the future."

"Who is he being imprisoned by?" I wondered.

"There are two possibilities." He sighed, "The Fates or the apprentice."


"It's probably the apprentice more than the Fates." My father told me. "I think it would probably be best if you talked to the Fates but I understand why you wouldn't want to."

"You know how they are." I sighed, really not wanting to.

"Trust me, I know. It's frustrating but they know everything that is going to happen and what happened." Hades told me through the cell phone.

"Looks like I'm taking a trip to Olympus." I grumbled.

"Just... be careful." He sighed. "I love you, Mel."

"I love you too, Dad. Thank you."

"It's no problem, hun." He sighed and we ended the call. I went back downstairs where Peter was.

"What did he say?" Peter asked me.

"I have to go to Olympus and talk to the Fates." I explained. "My dad thinks he's being imprisoned but it's for a good reason. He was trying to change the past and the future."

"Oh." He commented. "Can I go with you?"

"Unfortunately not." I informed him. "You have to be a god to go to Olympus."

"With the exception of the author?"

"Basically." I shrugged.

"How long will you be gone?" He wondered.

"Probably a week, mortal time." I informed him.

"Well, we've been apart longer than that." He sighed before putting his arms around me. "I'll be right here when you get back."

"I know you will." I smiled into his shoulder as we embraced. "I love you, Peter."

"I love you too, Mel."


Before I informed everyone what was going on I packed my bag for my trip to Olympus.

"Wait, you're going where?" Emma asked as we all sat at Granny's.

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