Chapter Forty-Four: Regarding Henry

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Sorry I didn't update last week. I had a lot happening and didn't have time to write. To keep updated, follow me! I post in my conversations if I'm not going to post.

Thank you,



"What's going to happen when this is all over? Are you going to go back to 'Storybrooke'?" He asked me.

"Probably not." I sighed. "Why would I go back to a town that is scared of my power when I can be here with the person I love?"

"Then why save them?" He asked me.

"You have to understand, Peter. Emma and I have a complicated relationship." I informed him, sitting down on the bed. "Emma was there for me when I needed her the most, in the curse anyway." Then I told him everything that happened in our time apart, with my dad, with Robin, with the curse. Everything.


"Y- you had a chance to come back to me but you didn't?" Peter questioned as he sat next to me, taking in everything I had told him.

"I did. We found the magic bean but I wasn't ready to go yet, Peter." I sighed. "You have to understand where I am coming from. I spent my whole life trapped in a tower, no life experiences, until you rescued me... all I had was Zelena and one or two munchkins. So yes, Peter. I took the opportunity but my intention was to always come back to you and the boys but then I got swept up in the curse. I love you, Peter and nothing will ever change that." I looked at him, hoping he'd understand.

"I love you too, Mel." He sighed, looking back at me. "I guess I should understand. While you were gone these boys have been driving me crazy. I guess you just needed the change for a bit."

"Not to mention I wasn't even really me for most of it." I chuckled. "Regina didn't even know she cursed a goddess until Emma rolled into town."

"You know what bugs me, Mel? The fact your father was willing to come visit you during the curse but not while Zelena had you in that tower." He told me.

"I know... It bugs me too but he didn't give me a good reason why. I know he is cursed to stay in the underworld, by his own choice but he can leave at times but he has to be back before his power drains." I kinda explained then I stood up and turned to him. "Now, where is Henry?"

"You know I won't tell you that, Mel." He smirked, also standing up.

"Oh, that was just a courtesy. I don't need you to find him. I know he's close, Peter." I sighed, hoping he'll make this easy for the both of us.

"Then find him, I'm interested to see how your powers work." He told me with a flirty smile.

"Happily." I smirked back. I turned and walked out the treehouse door, my eyes and hair changing as it does when I use my powers. I was at a pace that Peter almost couldn't keep up with. I found him at the back of the camp, sleeping under a tree.

The Mother of Neverland (Peter Pan x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن