Chapter Forty-Nine: Saving Peter Pan

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"Henry?" Emma questioned, then looking at me, and I was right, Peter did switch their bodies. I nodded at her.

"He switched our bodies." 'Peter' said to her.

"I know." She sighed, "But I have to make sure, tell me something only Henry would know."

"I-I got trapped in the mines. I tried blowing up the well. I like hot cocoa with cinnamon." He said listing things off.

"Pan could've known that." She said to herself. "Pan might know facts, but life is made up more than that—there are moments. He can't possibly know all of them. The first time you and I connected—you remember that? Not met, but connected. Where was it?"

"My castle. Right after you came to Storybrooke." Henry said, proving himself to Emma.

"And what did you tell me?"

"That I knew why you gave me up."


"Because you wanted to give me my best chance." He answered and Emma lowered her gun and hugged him. Emma grabbed the box and the two stepped over the town line.

"I'm sorry." Gold looked at me, "That I didn't believe you."

"This is why you need to trust the goddess of ghosts and spirits! It's not like I can sense souls or anything." I rolled my eyes, walking away.

Before we got in the car, Neal pulled me to the side. "The vague answer to your shadow?" He questioned. "Zelena?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "She's about to become a problem. Her spell is almost ready, if not ready. It's been awhile since I checked in with my shadow."

"Have you told her yet?" Neal asked, referring to Regina.

"Hell no." I snorted. "You really think she would believe me? Trust me, we have more than a rocky relationship."


We knew where Regina took Peter; it was the place she was strongest, her vault. It was where she kept all of her magic. Unfortunately for us, she wasn't answering her phone. We got the cemetery and Gold pulled at the doors of the tomb and they wouldn't budge. "This will take some time, but I will be able to open it." Gold said.

"Oh move over." I said, rolling my eyes. My eyes and hair changed and with a single blast the doors broke in. "Amuteur." Gold huffed and we all went into her vault.

We found Regina, unconscious on the floor, Peter nowhere to be found. Gold woke up Regina and she was confused, but she knew what happened. "You were right, Bex." She looked at me. "That is Pan in Henry's body. I wanted to believe what he was saying so badly I missed all the signs. I just wanted to believe he still needed me to be his mother."

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