Chapter Fifty-Three: Forgiveness

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Peter's POV...

The sunset as we met back at the loft. The call was distant but it was there.



It sounded like Mel. The next thing I knew I heard scrapeing metal against the pavement, I looked up to see what it was and there she was, in the middle of the street.

She looked like a ghost, transparent. You could see the other side of the street through her, behind her she was dragging a scythe.

"Mel?" I said, trying to get her attention but it was as if she looked past me, walking down the middle of the street, the sound of dragging metal filling the night. I heard footsteps behind me coming down the stairs of the building.

"What's going on?" Emma asked me, hearing the dragging metal.

"I-it's Mel." I told her before running after her. Emma was following me, wanting to know what was going on. I stopped infront of the ghostly Mel, blocking her path. "Mel! It's me!" I cried desperately for her to hear me. But she didn't. I tried to touch her but m hand went straight through her.

"Peter..." Emma said, trying to symaptize.



Peter's POV..

I sat in on the couch in the Loft staring ahead of me, thinking about what had just happened. "So you're telling us she was a ghost?" Hook questioned, looking at me after Emma had explained what happened.

"S-she didn't even see me... She looked straight through me as if I wasn't even there." I said out loud.

"Obviously she's not a flying monkey though." David commented.

"No... Something worse." I mumbled.

"Well, I remember Bex telling us that with the last curse, when Emma came to town she started remembering. Maybe that's what her plan is... To get Bex out of the way so that she can't help us." Snow suggested. I looked up at her.

"There isn't many ways to get a goddess 'out of the way'." I informed her.

"What ways are there?" Emma looked at me.

"Mel told me that gods can only be killed with Zeus's lightning... I don't understand it, but she also told me about an eternal sleep. Which is when I god puts another god basically under a sleeping curse but it's different. She told me that the only person that can wake you up from an eternal sleep is the person who placed you under it but other than that she didn't mention anything else. Especially if it's something with this outcome." I rambled a bit. "But whatever it is she has the ablitly to still do her job as a goddess."

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