Chapter Nine: The Election

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"A candidate. You could appoint a candidate. It calls for an election." She corrected the Mayor.

"The term 'candidate' is applied loosely." She said, attempting to cover her own ass.

"No, it's not. It requires a vote. And guess what, Madam Mayor? I'm running." Emma smirked at her.

"Fine. So is Sidney." The brunette told her.

"I am?" Sidney asked before Regina gave him a look, "I am."

"With my full support. I guess we'll learn a little something about the will of the people." The Mayor informed her.

"I guess we will."


I sat in Gold's shop, feet hiked up on another chair working on Algebra homework, "You know, if Emma does become Sheriff, seeing the look on Regina's face will just be hilarious." I chuckled before looking down at my text book, "Whoever, the fuck decided to put leters in math, I swear to the gods I will come after you." I huffed and I heard Gold chuckled at my misery. That is when Regina barged into the shop with obvious anger on her face.

"Regina." Gold states as she flips the 'open' sign to 'closed'. "Shall I remove some things? Make a bit of space for your rage?"

"You found that loophole in the town charter." Regina stated, walking towards him.

"Even though legal documents – contracts, if you like. Always been a fascination of mine, it was more Bex's doing than mine." He smirked, walking over to his cabinet. Her eyes met mine and I just smirked.

"How dare you?!" She yelled at me, "You are a-" I cut her off.

"How about you be quiet Madame Mayor, or did you not read up on United States Politics when you brought us to Storybrooke." She looked at me in shock as I said that. I didn't care to explain, "The Sheriff is an elected position in all fifty states."

"You are a bastard for letting her go through with this." Regina cursed him out.

"I think your grief's getting the better of you, Regina. Shame what happened to Graham." Gold chuckled.

"Don't you talk about him. You know nothing." The mayor hissed.

"What is there to know? He died." Gold told her.

"Are you really going up against me?" She looked at me then Gold.

"Regina, I would go up against any day." I smirked.

"Not directly, any way," He gave me a look, "We are, after all, both invested in the common good. We're just picking different sides."

"Well, I think you picked a really slow horse this time. It's not like you to back a loser." She chuckled.

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