Chapter Twenty: The Wraith

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"Is the curse broken? And let's see here, Miss Swan, how long have you been searching for your parents? Looks like you're reunited. Seems like rather a punch in the face, I deserve a thank you." He informed her.

"Twist my words all you want, what was the purple haze that you brought?"

"You know, magic." He said with a flourish of the hand.

"Why?" Mary Margaret demanded.

"Not telling." He said before the building shook and I immediately knew what it was. My body was paralyzed with fear.

"What the hell was that!?" Emma questioned as the trio looked out the windows.

"That is my gift to you. That is gonna take care of Regina." Gold smirked.

"It's a Wraith." I mumbled loud enough that everyone could hear me. "We need to go." I said running out the door.


We all ran into the Sheriff's station, seeing the Wraith rip the door off of Regina's cell. "Shit." I cursed, taking a deep breath, summoning a ball of light from my hands and throwing it at the creature. It hissed at me, stopping it from sucking out Regina's soul. The trio, Mary Margaret, David and Emma used fire to fight it but I kept shooting balls of light at it. Then it flew out the window.

"What the hell was that thing?" Emma questioned, looking at me.

"A Wraith." I answered. "A creature of the underworld, a soulsucker."

"How do you have magic?" Regina asked.

"I'm a goddess, I don't follow the same laws of magic that you do, Regina." I scoffed.

"Did I-" The princess began but Regina answered her while she looked at me.

"-Kill it? No. It's regenerating. It'll be back. It doesn't stop until it devours its prey." The evil queen said before showing her marked hand, "Me."

"So how do we kill it?" Emma asked and I laughed.

"You can't kill it." I chuckled, "Wraiths are a type of ghost or spirit that are said to be the embodiment of souls who are either on the verge of death, or who have recently passed on."

"Well, you're the goddess of ghosts and spirits, can't you do anything about it?" David asked me.

"Wraiths won't stop until they kill their prey, and it has to take a soul. It has no choice." I informed, "Regina, give me your hand."

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"The wraith can't take the soul of someone who is immortal." I sighed, explaining it. "It can try but it will fail."

"Why would you do that for me?"

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Henry." I informed her, "Now give me your damn hand." I reached out and took her marked hand, Regina standing up. "Now when my eyes turn, don't look straight into them, there is a small chance you will go insane."

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