Chapter One: The Story Begins

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Bexley's POV

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Bexley's POV....................

Dream Begin....................

"Come to me, Love." A familiar voice said as flashes of a green forest passed over in my head. "Come to me, Melinoe." Then I saw a boy with the brightest blue eyes. "Mel, remember. Please, remember."

Dream End.....................

Then I woke up to my alarm in my normal room at Mr. Gold's house. What a strange dream. It was stuck in my head. The boy with the striking blue eyes. I then got up out of my bed and started getting ready for school. Soon after I finished getting ready I went down to the kitchen where Mr. Gold was at the Dining table. "Good morning, Bex." He smiled at me.

"Good morning, Mr. Gold." I smiled back.

"Did you have a good night's rest?" He asked as I put toast in the toaster.

"Yes, but I had the strangest dream," I admitted to him.

"And what was it about?" He questioned with a hint of either concern or curiosity in his voice.

"It wasn't necessarily about anything. It was just flashes, really. Flashes of green as if I was in a forest." I began, explaining it to him. "The boy was begging me to remember something but I don't know what. Then I woke up."

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about, dearie." He reassured me, "However, I do want to warn you to be careful today, there is a visitor in Storybrooke."

"A visitor, in Storybrooke?" I laughed, "That never happens."

"It's Henry's birth mother. Regina called over earlier to tell me." He told me. "Apparently, he ran off yesterday to Boston to find her and brought her back with him." My toast popped out of the toaster and I put it on a plate and buttered it before I began eating it.

"Well, I am sure Regina is freaking out right now." I sighed.

"I am sure she is." He nodded, "I have to go to work. Be careful today."

"I will be, Gold," I reassured him. "I'll stop by after school."

"Granny's for dinner? I have to pick something up anyway." He suggested.

"That works for me." I shrugged, "I have to get going if I'm going to get coffee before school."

"I'll walk out with you." He said, getting up from his spot at the table. So they walked out of the house together, one going to the car, one walking to Granny's. Once she got there Ruby smiled at her.

"Good morning, Bex." Ruby smiled, "Coffee, to go I assume?"

"Morning, Ruby and you would be correct." I smiled back. I was more liked than Mr. Gold around town but when I was with him I was usually shown the cold shoulder by everyone except Ruby. She got to pouring my coffee in the standard Granny's to-go cup and we talked.

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