Chapter Sixteen: She's What?

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"Why is it so important to you guys what happens to me?"

"Because when Regina framed me, and you bailed me, I asked you why and you said you trusted me. And then when I wanted to leave Storybrooke 'cause I thought it was best for Henry, you told me I need to stay because that was best for him. And I realized, all my life, I have been alone. Walls up. Nobody's ever been there for me, except for you. And I can't lose that. I cannot lose my family." The blonde told her, "You too Bex, you're my family too." I smiled at that.

"Family?" She questioned.


I was stumped. I was thinking about what Jefferson had said, the boy in my dreams was Gold's son. So before he went to the Sheriff's station I went to his house and knocked on his door. He answered it. "Bex?" He questioned, surprised I was there.

"Gold. Can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, come in." He nodded moving out of the way and I stepped through the doorway and into the living room. "I have to leave soon, so what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I know, that you know, I know who I am. My memories are all bits and pieces though." I told him. "And I know you're hiding something from me." I sighed. "The boy in my dreams, he's your son, isn't he?"

"How did you find out?"

"On our hunt to find Mary Margaret I had an interesting conversation with someone who remembers." I informed him. "He says I met him, and it's possible. He told me then when I met him I was with someone. Peter Pan. You're son." He sighed looking at me.

"If he's right?" He asked me.

"I don't know, is he?"

"I will admit he is." He sighed, looking at me, "But you can't tell anyone. Peter is my eldest but he was a mistake from my youth. Which is why I banished him to Neverland."

"You banished him for something you did?" I questioned, looking at him.

"I was trying to protect my other son, Baelfire from him. From my past." He said, trying to defend himself.

"That doesn't give you the right." Then I got up and left.

"Do you know any stories?" The youngest lost boy, Colin asked.

"I know a few." I smiled at him and all the lost boys looked at me. I knew Peter was watching me from the balcony of the tree house. "What kind of story do you want?"

"What about a story about heroes?" He requested.

"I have an idea, have you ever heard of Prometheus?" I asked them. "Zeus never cared for humans as he distributed gifts to the gods. The Titan Prometheus, however, because he loved and felt sorry for humans, climbed up on Olympus and stole the fire from Hephaestus' workshop, put it in a hollow reed and gifted it to the humans. This way, humans could create fire, warm up and make tools. Zeus became very angry when he heard about this. He took Prometheus to a high mountain, the Caucasus, and chained him on a rock with thick chains made by the smith god, Hephaestus. And every day, Zeus would send an eagle that ate Prometheus' liver. For thirty years Prometheus remained bound in the Caucasus, until the great hero Hercules, Zeus's demigod son, released him finally from his torment."

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