Chapter Three: John Doe

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"Why did you lie to me this morning?" He practically demanded.

"About what? The dreams?" I questioned.

"Yes, Bexley, the dreams. It's important that I know these things." He looked at me.

"Why? Why is it so important that you know about my dreams? I am just happy that I am dreaming!" I questioned.

"That is no business of your's, dearie." He looked at me.

"Why isn't it? It's about me, so it is my business." I looked at him, just as angry. "So what? I had another dream last night and I was in a place called Neverland with a guy named Peter. Is that what you want to know?" I said that and anger turned to shock in a snap.

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to, Bex." He finally sighed, backing down.

"I'm going to head to bed." I said, tired of this.


As the wind howled in the night I laid in the cot next to two Peter, one arm wrapped around me in a comforting manner. He played with my ginger hair as I looked at him. "Thank you for coming to Neverland." He looked at me.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Peter." I reassured him, "Trust me, this is a lot better than being with my mother in her Emerald palace. So I should be thanking you for taking me away from that place."

"I'd do anything for you." He smiled at me before gently kissing me.

I then woke up in a cold sweat and gulped. "These dreams need to stop." I muttered. "There is no one that amazing." I got up, and got dressed for the day. Then heading downstairs and pouring a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Gold."

"Good Morning, Bex." He sighed.

"Mary Margaret asked for my help today. She's taking her class to the hospital to volunteer. I told her I would." I sighed, tension heavy in the air. "Kinda regret accepting it though because you know how I get in hospitals but I'm not going to back out just because of it."

"I'm sorry." He told me.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"You know what." He looked at me.

"Then say it."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you for something stupid." He sighed.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"And I'm sorry for being overprotective." He looked at me. "Bex, you are like a daughter to me and I don't want to see you hurt."

"I will be fine." I said for the millionth time in my life to Gold. "So what if I'm dreaming, I call it an improvement."

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