Chapter 175: BigMoney!

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Zac , Noor and Nasir returned back home, Fatima and Zay was chilling on the kitchen watching Toy Story, when they walked in.

Noor: Hey Auntie! Hey Zayden sorry for calling you a meany earlier that wasn't nice

Zayden: It's okay Noory sorry for calling you a dummy

Noor went over to Zayden to gave him a hug, and what's so special about them apologizing was Zac or Fatima didn't even have to coach them to do it, they knew the routine, you treat people the way you wanted to be treated.

Fatima: See that's how y'all supposed to act with each other, not fighting . You don't fight or call each other names, you guys have to protect each other.

Nasir: Auntie right cause at the end of the day all we got is us

Zac: That's right!! Bring it in, big group hug.

Fatima and Zayden got up and they all went in for big group hug, watch lasted for about 2 minutes, it's was literally parenting at its finest.

Zayden: Now can we go to target?

Zac: I meant what I said early, no target. (Zac try to say with a serious face, but Fatima knew he was just playing)

Noor: (Whining) Uncle Zac really

Zayden: It's okay Noor mommy said you can't always get rewarded when you do something bad we can try again next Friday

Nasir: Zayden right noory guess we will just go play in the play room

Fatima: I know that's right Zayden drop that knowledge baby boy, you know what I'll take y'all Zayden put your stuff back on

Zac: A SUCKER BABE (laughing) daddy was just joking we going to target let's go but y'all spending y'all own money

Nasir: Auntie this one on you (laughing) don't forget your card

Fatima: So y'all just wanna spend my money?

Everybody: YESS!!

Fatima: Nope we spending daddy and Uncle Zac's money!

Zac: No y'all not!

Noor: Yes we are (being sassy) you can't tell us no

Fatima: Let him know again Noor, he can't what?

Noor: You can't tell us no Uncle Zac

Zac: I can but I'm not (laughing)

Fatima: That's what I thought babe, now let's go, to y'all's Uncles and daddy car

All the kids ran out to Zac's Car, Fatima grabbed her purse and Zac locked up, everybody got loaded in the car and headed to Target.

During the car ride they was jamming listening to music, all laughing, the kids was super excited about Target, they was about to go to target and rack up.

They got to target like 20 minutes later, they hopped out the car, with a full bursts of excitement and energy.

Zac: Y'all need to calm y'all little asses down before we go in this store! Got it?

Nasir: Got it Uncle Zac!

Zayden: Got it daddy!

Noor: Got it Uncle Zac!

Zac: Let's go spend T money (laughing)

Fatima: Yeah yeah you mean your money (laughing)

Nasir: Somebody money getting spent

Zac and Fatima just laughed, they got in target, Zac grabbed a cart and Fatima grabbed one too, cause they knew these kids was about to be putting anything in them carts, but they didn't mind, Fatima and Noor went in opposite directions than the boys.

Fatima: What do you wanna get Noor?

Noor: I don't know auntie can we just go to the toy aisle and I see also can I get a iPad?

Fatima: A iPad Noor? What happen to the one your mommy got you for your birthday?

Noor: Remember mommy drop it and it turned black she said she was going to get it fix but she haven't had the time to auntie

Fatima: I'll think about Noor, come get the toys you want and we will go see about an iPad

Noor: Okay thank you auntie

Fatima: you're welcome baby

The other side of target:

Nasir: Uncle why they lady looking at you like that?

Zac: What Lady? (Zac looks up) don't be pointing at nobody

Nasir: She's been looking at you the whole time

Zayden: she better look somewhere else cause daddy marry

Zac: Y'all trip me out (laughing) let them look I'm a good looking man

Nasir: Don't let auntie here you say that

Zac: Shut up punk! Get what y'all getting so we can go.

Zayden: Daddy can I get a phone

Zac: Zayden you're 5 you don't need a phone, you have a iPad that all you need for now

Zayden: it's just a phone daddy

Zac: You don't need all them electronics punk, the answer is no

Zayden: Fine

Zac and the boys got what they was getting and so did the girls, Zac and Fatima meet at the checkout, Fatima did end up buying Noor an iPad.

Zac: I thought we came in here for Toys not no damn iPad and she already has one babe

Fatima: It's broke babe, it's just a iPad you'll be fine and I paid for it anyways

Zayden: Noor can get iPad but I can't get a phone?

Fatima: Um Zayden you have a iPad buddy, you don't need a phone, try and ask again in couple years

Zayden: Okay Okay!

Fatima: Can we pay now? Cause I'm like Starving right now

Noor: Me too auntie

Nasir: Uncle Zac paid for our toys and stuff Now auntie you have to pay for our food it's only right (laughing)

Zac: See they know the deal, man stop playing with my kids! You heard him (laughing)

Fatima: Y'all all just love running games (laughing) whatever I'll pay I don't care

Noor: Yeah cause my auntie not broke like some of y'all (she said with a loud tone)

Fatima: Shh Noor you can't be letting people know what Auntie got (laughing)

Noor: (whispering) I'm sorry auntie you broke (giggling)

Zac: This weekend about to be epic I already know (laughing)

Fatima: We in for a ride with these ones (laughing)

They checked out, Zac spent $801.73 on all of them, Noors iPad was $223.04 with an case, the kids was hype, after the checked out they left and got the bags in the car, and headed to get some food.

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