Chapter 163: emotional roller coaster 

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Madam: I was just about to come in there and get you.

Fatima: Zac and I just got into it, man what the fuck am I'm doing, he asked me to do one thing I do the complete fucking opposite.

Madam: What's his problem?

Fatima: He doesn't want me handle this situation but like why not this bitch is a problem that need to be handled

Madam: He's just looking out for you, and I can just handle it myself Fatima, respect your husband wishes! I'll handle it okay?

Fatima: No I want to be the last bitch, this bitch sees when she's dies, cause she's trying me

Lori: T listen to Zac and Madam, you have a family sometimes you just have to let somebody else handle it we need you around. Zac the head of the household right?

Madam: Stop being so damn hardheaded and listen, go back in the house I'll handle the bitch, you go make right with your husband.

Fatima: Yes he is and He's not talking to me when I got back in that house we just gone argue even more !

Lori: Let that man lead and listen to him. He knows what he's talking about.

Madam: Idc what y'all gone do, but you going back in that house.

Fatima: Fine call me as soon as you handle it Marilyn!

Madam: I will Fatima!

Fatima went back in the house, Madam left, Lori went back into her house. Fatima went upstairs to the bedroom but Zac wasn't in there. Fatima took her clothes off and put on something more comfortable, then she went to find Zac, he was in the back sitting on the back porch.
When Zac see Fatima he got up and just walk away

Fatima: it's like that?

Zac: Yeah it is.

Fatima: How you mad at me because I wanna handle a situation that you put us in Zachary

Zac: I didn't put us in shit, none of this shit is in my control i didn't ask her to come back 15 years later with this bullshit, it's funny how all this shit but what about Angela that was your fucking friend. Everything just my fault huh? I'm over her, Angela and you!

Fatima: You over me? You know what be over me I don't fucking care you mad at the wrong person be mad at them bitches not me

Zac: No because you always act FUCKING CRAZY! I tell you I don't want you doing this and you fucking do it anyways I mean like Fatima what am I good for? What are we doing

Fatima: You keep questioning our marriage gone piss me off even more, we ain't gone agree on everything we not.

Zac: I'm not questioning our marriage but how we supposed to be a team but you the only one making decisions? Come on now I'm over this shit..

Fatima: I'm making decisions for the both of us not just me, but you not getting it, you see I'm back in the house I didn't go so why you still mad!


Fatima: First of all lower your fucking TONE!

Zac: Lower my tone but you can screams? Man good the fuck night Fatima.

Zac walked away and went upstairs Fatima just stood there for a second, she decided to call Andi.

Andi: Hey boo you okay?

Fatima: No, I'm just all over the place right now, Brianna is a cop, Zac mad at me, monthly fucking cycle just started, like what the fuck I just want bitches to leave me alone what is that so hard!

Andi: What??? She's a cop man Fatima that ain't good, and at least you ain't pregnant.

Fatima: I called you to vent relax with that p word (she did a little chuckle)

Andi: (laughing) just wanted to put a smile on your face friend, you need me to come over?

Fatima: No I need me Zac to get back in good graces I don't like him mad at me, but he's pissed.

Andi: you can't gave him none but your mouth works perfectly fine (laughing)

Fatima: Girl stop being nasty, I'm not giving this man head cause he's mad, shit I'm mad too

Andi: Well go talk to him, before he goes to sleep.

Fatima: You right I'll see you tomorrow for our lunch date, good night Andi!

Andi: Good luck and good night friend!

Fatima hang up on Andi and went upstairs, Zac was just laying there starring at the ceiling. Fatima decided to be dramatic, and started tearing up.

Zac: That crying shit now gone work for me, you know what you be doing. I'm not your friend, I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your husband. Sometimes I just feel like you don't value me enough

Fatima: Okay you pushing it, I value you a little damn to much, I just don't get why you get upset every-time we don't agree on something.

Zac: Killing a fucking cop is something we both need to agree on not you going killer fucking T by yourself!

Fatima: I told you, you can come what is you talking about?

Zac: That's not the point Fatima, Do you wanna spend your fucking life in jail? Do you ?

Fatima: No Zachary I don't, but I don't wanna keep going through this bullshit every fucking day I don't!

Zac: You making seem like you the only person going through this shit, I'm going through this shit to, she's not blowing your phone is she?

Fatima: No but the bitch sure is popping up every damn where!

Zac: I mean what is it? You just been on a fucking emotional roller coaster all damn day? Are you okay?

Fatima: Because I'm upset about a bitch? I'm on a emotional roller coaster, go to hell Zac!

Zac: You see but let me tell you to go to hell you have a fucking fit!

Fatima: Yup blame it on this fucking period!

Zac: It all makes sense now.......

Fatima: Yeah whatever!

Zac: Do you need anything?

Fatima: Nope, I didn't want you going to sleep mad so this me coming up here as an apology.. I'm going back downstairs

Zac: For what?

Fatima: Just wanna sit on the balcony and get some fresh air, clear my mind..

Zac: Okay Fatima.

Fatima: Okay Zachary.

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