Chapter 89. Big cousin

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While Fatima was in the bath, She called Madam and told Madam everything that was going. Fatima appreciates the way Zac looks out for her, But she doesn't appreciates the way he delivers. Fatima explained that to Madam and Madam told fatima she was on her way. Fatima give Madam the location and Madam said she'll be over in about 20 minutes.

Fatima went downstairs to get her some food, Everybody was asking her questions but she ignored everyone, but the kids.

Zac: So you don't hear me talking to you Fatima?

Lori: T that's how you feel? You just gone ignore us??

Fatima: I'm not mad, I just don't want to hear y'all every two seconds telling me to sit down.. y'all acting like I'm fucking 2 I'm fucking 30! If y'all don't like my attitude or how I feel y'all can get the fuck out!

Lori: I get that you mad and all that T, but tune all that down. We just looking out for you. And if that makes you mad, then you just gone have to deal with it, cause we not going nowhere. So go eat your food and be mad. We'll talk to you later I guess.

Fatima just rolled her eyes and went back upstairs, Fatima knew Lori was right, as much as she wanted to put up a fight she decided to excuse herself because she was letting her emotions get the best of her.

Zac: But if I was to talk to her like that my ass went if been sleeping on the couch!

Lori: Fatima don't scare me, we like the same person. She's just in her feelings that's all, I'm not even mad at her, cause I'll be same way.

Andi: Yeah I'm with Zac, I don't think I could ever say anything like that to T, Call me scary (she laughs)

Lori: Yeah you scary Andi and Zac just soft when it come to T

Zac: Soft? I be putting my foot down! I don't be wanting to argue though that shit is so draining.

Lori: Yes your are soft Zac, y'all could dead be in a heated argument and soon as T start crying, you baby her (laughing)

Zac: is that a bad thing? That I care about my women's feelings

Lori: No don't be complaining then, she's so spoiled by you that's why she act the way she act

Zac: Robin you can add your 2 sense anytime bro, are you hearing them bro?

Robin: Bro I just mind my business (laughing) The way you treat your lady is how you treat her can't nobody come in between that, everybody has they own way of doing things

Zac: You right bro? So what y'all saying I should do?

Lori: Stand up or something! Let her ass know you ain't playing and don't be letting that crying shit make you all soft either!

Zac: I'm not listening to y'all, y'all gone have me single! (Laughing)

Lori: T ain't never leaving your ass, unless your ass cheat, and you ain't stupid enough to do that!

Zac: Damn sure about that!

(Somebody was knocking on the door)

Zac: Who the fuck is this, don't no fucking body know where I live..

Lori: Go see nigga!!

(Zac went to open the door and it was Madam)

Zac: Oh shit! Wassup M

Madam: Wassup you good?

Zac: I'm straight, but Fatima is upstairs, you can go head up there.

Madam: oh no I'm here for you!!

Zac: You here for me? What the fuck

Madam: Yeah Fatima told me how you was talking to her

Zac: (Sucked his teeth and throw his hands up)  Your cousin is dramatic I wasn't even talking to her like that

Madam: So you staying my cousin lying?

Zac: I'm saying your cousin is mad dramatic and a crybaby but everyone right I'll watch my tone talking to her!

Madam: Good cause I don't want to have to come back over here! Where my babies at?

Zac: They right in the kitchen, go right ahead.

Madam walks and goes into the kitchen where everyone was. Madam said hey to everybody and went to say hey to all the kids. Madam spent about 10 minutes downstairs playing with the girls before going upstairs checking on Fatima. When Madam walked upstairs to Fatima bedroom, Fatima was lying down on her phone.

Madam: Fatima!

Fatima: Marilyn, How are you?

Madam: I'm good darling, how are you feeling. How was my other little baby doing.

Fatima: We fine and well. Just taking it easy for now

Madam: I talked to Zac before I came up here, you gotta take it easy on the boy Fatima he's trying his best, he probably don't think he's coming off rudely

Fatima: I thought you was here for me? You coming in here talking about I need to take it easy on him.

Madam: Cause your crazy ass do, I know how you is. You just see red and say whatever you're feeling without giving no fucks. I seen the boy he genuinely cares about you stop acting so stuck up with him

Fatima: Lori told me about myself, now you. I can't with y'all anymore

Madam: Stop acting like that and let these people take care of you 

Fatima: Fine I will!! (Rolling her eyes)

Madam: Well I'll see you later darling I love you and you better take it easy!

Fatima: I will and I love you too

Madam gave Fatima a hug, and went downstairs to say bye to everybody's before going on her way. Zac locked up behind and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Zac: You really called your cousin on me?

Fatima: Zac I really don't wanna argue with you, so if that's why you coming up here, you can leave

Zac: I told you to lose the attitude and yet you still got it.

Fatima: I really don't have a attitude you came up here being irritating

Zac: The way you talking and making all those moves moment proves you literally have an attitude babe

Fatima: Seriously what did you come up here for?

(Madam was walking back in the room she forgot her keys)

Madam: Fatima I told you to loosen up on the boy you still giving him a hard time

Zac: Yeah yeah tell her again!

Fatima: I thought you left?

Madam: I forgot my Keys.

(Zac handed Madam her keys off the bed)

Fatima: Ohh

Madam: Listen you 2, Miss petty ma'am and Miss petty sir stop it you don't need to be fighting y'all don't even know what y'all even fighting about Fatima sit your ass down like your man and your doctor said and Zac you're not her father you're her man act like it! Now I don't want to have to come back here but I will do y'all want that?

Fatima: No No No No

Zac: Nope we're good Marilyn!

Madam: Good see y'all later!

Madam left out the room and went downstairs the kids was in the playroom, and Robin, Andi, and Lori was sitting in the living..

Madam: You three protect Zac (laughing) I know Fatima she's going to drive that man insane so while making sure she's good, make sure he's good!

Lori: You got it Madam!

Andi and Robin just nodded they head, they was scared of Madam but Lori wasn't. Lori was with all the shit she didn't care who you was.

Will Love Last or will Love End.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें