Chapter 45. Check up

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Today was Monday, the twins had their 2 months check up doctors appointments. Fatima was up already getting them ready, Zac was in the shower.

Fatima: Zac hurry up we are going to be late

Zac: T stop rushing me I don't be rushing you when you wanna take five hours to get ready

Fatima: Zac please, You got 5 minutes or I'm leaving you like this why I try to wake you up a hour ago

Zac: I'm sorry but your kids had me up crying for no damn reason at all

Fatima: That's why I asked did you have them yesterday you said yeah

Zac: I'm not complaining T I'm just saying, and you needed the rest you be trying to do every damn thing postpartum is real I don't want you falling into that

(Gets out the shower)

Fatima: well thank you babe for looking out for me

Zac: I got T, cause clearly you not

Fatima: Being a mom never stops what don't you get Zac

Zac: I know but what I keep trying to tell you MOMS NEEDS BREAKS

Fatima: Okay Zachary

Zac: oKaY FaTiMA

Fatima just rolled her me eyes, and left out the room to go to the girls room, she got them then went downstairs to put them in their car seat.

"Damn I forgot your paci ZyZy" Fatima says

Fatima yells upstairs: BABE BRING DOWN ZY'S paci please

Zac: Okay

5 minutes later, Zac comes downstairs finally ready.

Fatima: You got her paci

Zac: Right here, you got everything, you ready to go?

Fatima: Yeah let's go.

Zac grabs the babies car seat, Fatima had their bags. And then went out the door got into the car. And drove the girls to their doctors appointment.

They arrived at the doctors appointment, checked in, and then they had to wait for their named to be called. 10 minutes had passed, And Karen, Aaron, and Kameron walked in. Aaron was carrying his car seat.

Fatima: I swear bitches always wanna be like me, I take my kids to doctors , this bitch wanna take her son to the doctors

Zac: babe relax we not doing that as long as nobody say no shit to us, we keeping our cool we got Zyla and Zaria.

Fatima: oh I'm calm, I'm calm.

Karen, and Aaron finally spotted Zac and Fatima, Aaron handed Karen the car seat and Aaron proceeded to walk over to them.

Aaron: Yo bother can I holler at you for a second

Zac: No you may not

Aaron: Really Zac you can't have a conversation brother to brother

Zac: one I'm not your brother, and 2 I said no, now bounce outta my face bro

Aaron: You sit I'll do the talking then

Fatima: Do you fucking listen, get the fuck from over here like what the fuck is wrong with y'all,

Zac: babe relax, relax

Fatima: No Zac No, cause why do we have to keep repeating ourselves when it comes to them, if I said LEAVE ME TF  alone LEAVE ME ALONE

Aaron: Fatima stop yelling 

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