Chapter 130. ❤️‍🩹

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Brianna and Brandon came into the conference room.

Brianna: Before you come barking questions at me, I would like to apologize, this probably wasn't the right way to go back this situation but we here we are now.

Fatima: 15 years later (she laughed) you decided to take 15 years to say some shit? Like I'm confused, why now?

Brianna: Zac wasn't in no positions to be a father, and when my parent find out I moved away..I wanted to tell him when I seen him three years ago, but I couldn't, but then when I seen him at the club and he started telling me he had family, I got a bit jealous. And I think now my son deserves to know his father.

Fatima: Was y'all dating? Now after 15 years he deserves his father but them other years didn't matter? Like what the fuck

Brianna: No more like friend with benefits had sex twice, got pregnant in the 12 grade, after graduating I've moved away then came back three years ago. I was young chill with all that.

Fatima: Okay so y'all was like 18 around that time, got it. And you know for sure your son is his? Cause if you trying to get money out of him, trust me you ain't getting shit.

Brianna: No, I would like my son to know his father and possibly his siblings.

Fatima: I can't do this, I really can't. I know I can't be mad at him but a 15 year old is to much for me. You can leave your number with Andi and Zac will call you or something

Fatima left out the conference room into the bathroom, she was hurt, but she knew she couldn't really be mad, Zac shenanigans was way before her, she couldn't understand why Heather waited 3 years to tell Zac his the father with Zayden, then Brianna coming out the wood works 15 years later with the same bullshit.

On top of the postpartum was getting the best of her, she let her tears out pulling herself together, so nobody wouldn't walk in on her. Andi come in.

Andi: Are you okay friend?

Fatima: No, I don't know if it's the postpartum or what. It's like everything in Zac's past catch up to him, and we both have to suffer, I love Zac I really do Andi but this shit draining who wait 15 FUCKING YEARS ANDI WHO DOES THAT

Andi: I know friend, I know.. (Andi started crying with Fatima, Andi was hugging her) it's going to be okay I promise

Fatima: What time is it?

Andi: 5:30

Fatima: SHIT Zac might be downstairs, can you go see.

Andi: Are you sure?

Fatima: You right people are still here, you mind taken the kids for a couple hours?

Andi: Now you know I don't, just the girls and Zayden?

Fatima: Yes

Andi: Come on.

Fatima and Andi walked down to the daycare, Zac was In fact there he was putting the girls stuff on, Andi and Fatima walked in.

Zac: Babe what you doing here, I told you I was getting them

(The kids ran to Fatima and hugged her, she embraced them with love)

Zac: You don't hear me talking to you, and was you crying?

Andi: Come on let's get the kids y'all

Zac finished putting the girls stuff off, and Fatima got Zayden stuff on and they went outside to the cars.

Fatima: You drive my car since they car seats are already in there and I drive yours?

Andi: yeah, should I just take them home? Or my house?

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