Chapter 1. Emotions are high

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   Zachary is still feeling all of these emotions at once finding out Karen and Heather both could receive 50 percent of everything. Zac is also in his head because although Fatima had reassured him  that she's stuck with him forever, he feels a guilt feeling that she doesn't deserve him in a way.
     It's about 8:30 on Tuesday evening Zac thinks to himself
Zac: "Where is Fatima at, she usually home around by now , he looks around to find his phone in the mist of that he hears the door opening"

Fatima: "Hey Honey" Fatima says with a stern look on her face. "Zac why are you sitting in the dark are you okay?" she asked,

Zac: "Where was you, it almost 9, you could of call or texted telling me you was gone be home late I had plan for us."

Fatima: I'm sorry lost track of time I run some errands, can you help me with the bags?

Zac is clearly on one, he doesn't like when Fatima doesn't communicate with him, cause he know how Wicked ATL could really be, even though Fatima carry her gun, he still fears for her safety.

Zac: Sure. 
"Zac puts he's slides on"

Fatima POV from Earlier that day

It's about 3:45 Fatima is finishing up her day at work and decided to run some errands, She headed to target first, before she started shopping she stopped at the Starbucks to get a coffee and then proceeded to shop around target, Fatima ended in the baby section, she still hasn't wrap her head around the fact Zac is the father of heathers baby, she doesn't know how to feel, because she always thought she will be the one having Zac's baby, Fatima thinks to herself for second, she ended shopping for Zayden (Heathers baby) she got all different sizes for Zayden because she doesn't quite yet knows his Size yet, Fatima decided to get things for Zayden to show her effort to Zac that's she's all and that if this next chapter in their life evolves a child, she want Zac to know it's them against the world with Zayden and potential Karen baby if the baby is his.
Fatima pulls her phones out and sees it's almost 9 , she said underneath her breath "SHIT" Fatima knows how Zac get when she doesn't communicate with him, she decides to call him, but quickly changed her mind, she only 10 minutes away, she gets in line and check out and heads home. Fatima pulls up, and sees Zac's car but all the lights are off, she thoughts she just get the bags herself, but Fatima went a little crazy with the shopping, so she went inside to get Zac..

Back to the present
Fatima and Zac heads outside to Fatima car to get the bags out, they both couldn't help to Notice Nathan coming out of Deja house.
Fatima rolled her eyes, and Zac throw his hands

Fatima: Niggas just don't learn I see.

Deja: "Hey girl, Hey ZACCC"

Zac: Nate bro Wtf you doing there, you didn't learn your lesson, you niggas need to grow up, bro you got a whole wife at home and 2 kids come on bro. THINK

Nate: it's not even like that bro I just wanted to have a good times.

Zac: Nathan just go home.

Nathan ended up getting in his car and driving off and Deja walked back in her house. Zac and Fatima started getting the bags out the car. Fatima usually will turn up on Zac about the company he keeps around but she thought to herself "Not tonight" . All the bags are inside, Zac started to put the bags up, but he couldn't help but notice the different varieties of baby clothes.
Fatima ended going upstairs to change out of her work clothes, and put on some comfy clothes. Fatima heads back downstairs.

Zac: is there anything you wanna say?

Fatima: Babe I really don't wanna talk about Deja, your boys, I just wanna put this stuff up and go to bed, it's been a long day.

Zac: Fatima why do you all these baby clothes, are We pregnant?
Fatima froze for second, and thought to herself the fact Zac said "are we pregnant" got her emotional.
Fatima: (clears throat) Um, No I just thought we get some stuff for Zayden and Karen's baby just incase, I just wanted to show with all the bs you got going, and me to since we are engaged, because your problems are somewhat my problems, I just wanted to show you that I'm all in. Plus I didn't know Zayden size so I got all different sizes.
Zac just looks at Fatima with teary eyes, he really found the love of his life, he doesn't know what he did to deserve her.

Zac: Man T I love you thank you for always sticking by my side you don't even know the half.

Fatima: I love you too, we in this together, me and you.

Zac: Til death do us part.
Zac leaned in and hug and kissed Fatima.

Zac: We really gotta figure out plan, I didn't wanna get attached to Zayden but now the little nigga mines I wanna make an effort to see him.

Fatima: How about you try reaching out to Heather again, We know she gone sue, but how about we make nice on the sake of Zayden?

Zac: You really think we can make nice with the devil?
Fatima: (chuckle a little) She wasn't the devil when you slept with her.
Zac: Really Fatima?!
Fatima: okay I'm done (LOL) we gotta do what best for Zayden, if Heather could put y'all's child first then she gone see, what she's missing out. Zac I know you'll be an amazing father and it will be heathers fault if she wants to miss out on a good co-parent relationship.

Zac, you right T, I'm call her tomorrow to see how we can figure this co- parenting out.

Fatima: Good.

Zac and Fatima finish putting the items up and decided to head upstairs, Fatima got in the bath and Zac took a shower, after the got themselves together they decided to watch "why did I get married" not even 20 minutes into the movie Fatima falls asleep, it's about 10:30 Zac is thinking about this meeting with Heather he just want everything to go smoothly, he couldn't sleep and ended going back downstairs. Zac grabs water on the fridge and headed to the backyard. He sit there for about 25 minutes getting interrupted by a knock on the door. Zac gets up to get the door.
"Who tf is at my door 11 o clock at night he thinks to himself"

Zac: Who is it?
Nobody said nothing, Zac opens the door


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