Chapter 33. Parenting at its finest

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It was 4 a.m., Fatima had got woken up from the sound of Zyla screaming. Zac was knocked out, he didn't even hear her. Fatima smacked Zac couple times to wake him up , so he can get Zyla when Zac woke up Fatima pretended to be sleep. Zac got up and went to the babies room. Zac got Zyla, and headed downstairs to make her bottle.

Zac: It ain't even the real ZyZy I'm making your bottle now

Zac was talking to Zyla like she can understand what he was saying, Andi had woke up, and went in the kitchen with Zac and Zyla.

Andi: What time is it bro

Zac: It's 4:15 am you good I didn't mean to wake you up but miss mamas was hungry

Andi: it's all good, I need a cover can you get me one?

Zac: get your own damn cover it's in the closet over there

Andi went to get her a cover and she went back to sleep on the couch. Zac was waiting for the breast milk to thaw out, so he was just walking around the kitchen holding Zyla like a football, bouncing her. 10 seconds later, Deja comes blasting her music.

Zac: it's 4 fucking amm why the fuck she got the music on for ,

Zac wanted to call her, but his phone was upstairs, so he decided to just walk over there. He walks over there with Zyla in his hands and bangs on Deja door, the music stop and Deja open the door.

Deja: Um Hey zaccccc the daiquiri, awe look at her, she's so cute

Zac: Deja can you turn the music off ny kids is in there sleeping, if I go back in the house and they are woke, I'm putting your ass out tomorrow

Deja: Okay Zac dang it ain't even that serious

Zac: it is that serious when you got newborns keep that shit off

Zac goes back in the house, the milk was unthawed so zac poured the milk in the bottle, and went back upstairs to his room

Fatima: Zaria sleep?

Zac: yeah

Fatima: Here you want me to take her,

Zac: Nah I got her go back to sleep babe

Soon as Zac told Fatima to go back to sleep, Zaria started crying, Fatima went to go get her. Fatima brought her back in the room. Zac feed Zyla the bottle and Fatima breastfeed Zaria. After the girl ate, they got their diaper changed. Zac swaddle Zyla and Fatima did the same thing to Zaria and they put them back in their room. Then they went back to sleep.

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