Chapter. 100 pathetic

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Zac went upstairs to Fatima she was in the shower, "babe where is your gun at, somebody just pulled into the drive way I don't know who the fuck that is, and I'm not taken no chances." Zac says.

Fatima: it's locked up in the closet, who the fuck could that be? We not starting this shit again.

Zac: You stay up here I'll figure that out right now, don't come downstairs!

Fatima: Zac..

Zac: Just stay right here I'll be right back..

Zac got the strap and went back downstairs, he turned on the porch light and opened the door and it was Nathan and Tony.

Zac: What the fuck y'all niggas doing here?

Tony: Nigga don't answer their phone no more and what the fuck you got a gun for bro?

Zac: Cause nigga don't need to be popping up at my shit like this unannounced, y'all nigga got to go!

Nathan: I'm just here to get my kids, can you go get them bro

Zac: Nigga you better go the home cause you ain't coming to get nobody, how the fuck y'all even get my address. Y'all niggas be asking for it

Tony: We boys, we can't know where you live bro?

Zac: No y'all can't cause y'all Niggas don't have no fucking respect just fucking pathetic

Nathan: I got the address from Lori's parents I heard Lori out of town so I'm here to get my kids bro

Zac: Nate you having seen them kids in months, you think cause they mom left you getting them think again bro. They not going nowhere. So you and Tony can fucking leave

Nathan: I'm not gone tell you again go get my fucking kids or we gone have problems

Zac put the gun behind his back and stepping outside and he had shut the door.

Zac: Nigga what you gone do, like I said bro them kids ain't going no fucking where.. you can wait until Lori gets back to work something out, but as long as they with me they ain't leaving my fucking sight

Nathan: Nigga them my kids and whatever I say go, if you don't go get them I'll go get the motherfuckers myself

Zac: Tony get your boy, cause this ain't gone end nice for him I'm telling you now bro

(Tony grabbed Nathan, holding him back)

Tony: Come on man let's just go you can get them another time Nate

Nathan: No I said I want my kids now so I'm gone get them one way or another

Zac: (laughed) you ain't getting shit but the fuck off my property!

Zac try to walk away into the house but Nathan grabbed the strap from behind Zac's back and was pointing at Zac's face.

Zac: Nigga you better use it to.


Nate: You heard me nigga go get my fucking kids NOW

Zac: You niggas need to stop drinking, you think I'm letting them kids go with you and you clearly drunk asf. Nathan you got 2 second from getting this gun out my fucking face

Nate: Niggas ain't tough now, look who got control now nigga. Go get my fucking kids ZAC

Zac snatched the gun out of Nathan's hands, and pistol whipped him, knocking him cold out.

Zac: Really Tony you really gone bring this nigga to my house like this what the fuck is wrong with y'all niggas , get this nigga and get the fuck from my property now, y'all Niggas need to grow up!

Tony grabbed Nate and dragged him to the car, Zac went back in the house and locked up and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Fatima: Who was that?

Zac: Fucking Nathan and Tony dumb asses

Fatima: What the fuck, how did they even get our address

Zac: Lori's parents told them, and then told them Lori's was out of town so Nate thought he would come here to get them, then this nigga grabbed the strap from behind my back pointing that shit in my face

Fatima: Why the fuck didn't you kill that motherfucker!

Zac: I'm not killing my niece and nephew father T I'm not doing that, I pistol whipped his ass and knocked his ass out.

Fatima: Don't let me see that mf he's done I mean he's fucking done. Mfs be doing the craziest shit and never think about they fucking kids!

Zac: Nope we not doing that, we not letting them ruin our nights you ready? I got the stuff ready in the theater

Fatima: No Zac that's not cool, what if the Nigga had shot you, then what?

Zac: T the nigga wasn't going do shit, you tripping right now

Fatima: I'm tripping? Okay..

Zac: Can we just please go watch the movie?

Fatima: Yeah whatever let's go.

Zac and Fatima went downstairs in the theater room and watched a movie together, Fatima felled asleep half way through the movie.. So did Zac.

Fatima had woke up around 3:00 a.m. cause she was uncomfortable, She woke Zac up to go upstairs, Fatima had went to the bathroom. Zac went to lay on the bed falling right back to sleep, after Fatima got out the bathroom she went to go lay on Zac and she fell asleep about 10 minutes later.

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