Chapter 156: The duo

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Lori didn't want Robin going out so Robin decided to stay in, Zac was cool with it, he was spending time with his boys, while Fatima went out with Andi, they decided to go to club Eden, Madam ask Fatima to slide through. Andi didn't wanna go because of Amp and the whole Dime situation but Fatima told Andi to stop being scary.

It's was like 10:30 p.m. Fatima and Andi pulled up to club Eden, Club Eden was popping, as always Andi and Fatima walked in the guys was dancing on stage, Madam, and blue was watching Andi and Fatima walked over to them.

Madam: Look who finally decided to pop out tonight, Hey Andi.

Fatima: I know right, (she hugged her) it's lit in here tonight, Hey blue!

Madam: it's always lit baby you know this

Andi: Hey ladies!!

Blue: Wassup Fatima, Wassup Andi, you didn't come here to cause no trouble?

Fatima: As long as trouble don't coming looking for us we good

Andi: What T said (laughing)

Blue: So you and Amp huh?

Andi: What about us?

Madam: You the one my nephew been ranting about.

Andi: Is that a good thing or bad thing?

Madam: Um it's good thing, just don't let dime see you (laughing)

Fatima: Can y'all not we not even on that (laughing) Dime and Amp is over no reason homegirl should still be that pressed

Blue: She loved him, she still going to be pressed

Andi: Well he's mine now, so girly gotta let it go, I don't even get into all that.

Fatima: And she said what she said.

Madam: Well okay girl, drinks free all night, tell the bartender I sent y'all.

Fatima: I know that's right thank you!

Blue: Spoil asses

Fatima: Don't be mad blue! (Laughing)

Fatima and Andi walked to the bar and got them some drinks and sit at a table.

Fatima: I see how he's looking at you!!

Andi: (blushing) You see himm, it's getting hot in here

Fatima: You in love friend!

Andi: I ammm.

The guys walked off stage, dime mean mugged Amp, Amp walked over and gave Andi a kiss on the cheek, and walked away Dime got on stage.

Dime: If you having a good time, MAKE SOME MOTHER FUCKING NOISE!!!!

(The crowd yells!!!!)

Dime: Y'all wasn't loud enough for me, I SAID IF YOU'RE HAVING A GOOD TIME, MAKES SO MOTHER FUCKING NOISE!!!

(The crowd gets even louder!!!)

Dime: Yeah that's what I'm talking about, the niggas are out, have them Coins ready!!!

A random guy and another guy Andi and Fatima will recognize walked over to them.

Brent: I thought that was your pretty self sitting over here, almost didn't recognize you, you had the baby.

(Fatima looked up, and immediately rolled her eyes, Andi just laughed cause like what the fuck)

Fatima: Just when I thought I'll never see your thirsty ass again, here your ass go!!

Brent: Damn no hey or nothing, I thought you'll be a little more nicer since you had the baby

Fatima: Nigga ain't nothing change!! Yes I had my baby, Hey, bye!! (She waved)

Andi: Oh and she's like happier married now like got the papers and all, so your chances are pretty slim, well they been slim so you can move along now!!

Brent: Oh so you and that light skinned Nigga made it official

Fatima: It's been official nigga, like don't you have something better to do than to be fucking thirsty?

Brent: Nah you being married with kids, i don't care about that shit, you out at the club screams little mama is single to me

Fatima: Well little mama ain't single, and little mama don't have no controlling ass nigga who don't allowed her to go outside,  now this my last time saying it, you can leave!! For I call my husband!!!

Random dude: Come on bro these bitches don't be worth it

Fatima: Who you calling a bitch? (She stood up?

Random dude: You standing up like you gone do something sit your fucking ass down

Andi: Okay you messing with the wrong one, and you doing this at the wrong place


Brent: Relax bro, calm all that down, we don't need you all rowdy up

Fatima: Yeah listen to your homebody.

Random dude walked away, Brent was still standing there.

Fatima: Fuck you still here for! Leave NIGGA

Andi: Come on T, we can go somewhere else

Brent: I'll see y'all around (he laughed and walked away)

Fatima: I swear niggas piss me the fuck off, like everywhere i fucking look a mf I don't like be in my face

Andi: Tell me about friend.

Fatima: Andi please with your nice ass, you don't be having no damn drama besides with these niggas (laughing)

Andi: it ain't easy being the prettiest bitch a nigga ever fuck with, it hard out here.

Fatima: I know that's right Andi (laughing)

Andi and Fatima had a couple more drinks, Angela was at Eden, Angela sent Zac a picture of Fatima talking to Brent.

Back at the house:

It was going on 12:15 a.m. Zac just finished giving Kai his bottle, and swaddling him for the night, Zayden was already sleep in his room, Zac cleaned up the playroom, then took a shower after. It was now 12:50 a.m. he grabbed his phone went downstairs to wait for Fatima, she would be home in the next hour.

Zac was in the living room, he seen he had a text message from Angela, which he thought was weird, cause why would she be texting him, he looked at the message and seen the picture of Fatima, Brent, the random dude and Andi, and his heart dropped. "What the fuck" he says.  Zac got interrupted by the doorbell, he got up to open it.

Will Love Last or will Love End.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora