Chapter 143: Old friends

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Zac got home, a little before Fatima, Fatima and Lori was still out, Zac took another shower, Fatima finally got home and put her things on the kitchen counter, Fatima went upstairs and Zac was up laying in bed on his phone.

Zac: Wassup Wifey, how was Ruth Chris?

Fatima: It was good, me and Lori always have the best times, I got you some food if you didn't eat.

Zac: I had some pizza, but I'll eat that later

Fatima: How was the game?

Zac: It was cool fr, all the guys had they kids out and shit

Fatima: Oh that's cutee, I'm glad to see them niggas finally taken care of their responsibilities

Zac: Yeah cause that nigga Gary never have his kids

Fatima: A shame!! And Nathan I see he's trying to do the right thing, what's the change of heart?

Zac: I have no idea what got into bull, but I'm glad he finally stepping the fuck up cause that nigga was on some childish shit

Fatima: i seen Angela and some guy annoying ass at the restaurant

Zac: Wait does Bryce know?

Fatima: oh I don't know but Lori crazy ass, kept staring. Lori don't be giving no fucks

Zac: I honestly don't know how y'all last this long as friends (he laughed) y'all just be terrorizing people with y'all crazy asses

Fatima: Me and Lor be minding our own business and here come niggas and bitches starting some shit, name one situation where it was our fault?

Zac: You right babe (he laughed) you are right

Fatima: Andi texted me, saying she left the other bag with Kai's milk, I'm gone go drop that off to her

Zac: Can I come? Shit I don't got nothing else to

Fatima: Come on you driving.

Zac got up and put some clothes on, Fatima went downstairs and got Kai's bag, she turned off everything, Zac made his way downstairs, and out the door they went to the car. They arrived at Andi's penthouse 30 minutes later.

Zac and Fatima got out the car, Zac grabbed the bag and they walked into the building Danni was at the front desk trying to get buzz up, but apparently she wasn't on the list anymore.

Fatima rolled her eyes, and ask can she get sent up, Andi was expecting her, the door man let her up, Zac gave Fatima the bag, and Zac stayed down there with danni.

Zac: I was hoping to run into you sometime around but your ass been MIA

Danni: That will be you Mr. Married man, congratulations.

Zac: You don't mean that..but thank you

Danni: I do, I'm happy for you bro.

Zac: What you been up too? I be seeing Preston but you don't be around

Danni: The Sista circle ain't the sista circle no more, I've been trying to make right with Andi her ass don't want nothing to do with me

Zac: Y'all was weird to Andi, y'all know y'all don't not have to treat her like that, I don't blame Andi for leaving y'all the fuck alone.

Danni: Andi ain't no saint either. Her ass forgave Gary ass how many times, but we fuck up this how she treat us

Zac: Danni, Andi expected more from y'all then Gary, y'all was friends since college D, you can't even compare the 2, y'all was wrong and If I'm telling you that, you know you was wrong

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