Chapter 103. Fed up

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This morning wasn't going good as it usually do, the kids was giving Zac a hard time waking up, Noor was throwing a fit because she wanted to wear the blue bow, but Zac wanted her to wear the pink bow because it matched better with her outfit, Zac gave up and let her wear the blue bow. The kids took up so much time, now they have to eat breakfast at school.

"You know what wear the blue bow, I don't care no more". Nasir I been told you to go put your shoes on why you still sitting there" - Zay says.

Nasir: Okay Uncle Zac you don't have to yell at me!

Zac: I'm not yelling at you, NOW I'M YELLING CAUSE YOU NOT LISTENING!

Nasir: Okay I'm putting my shoes on happy now

Zac: Watch your mouth! Or you won't be on no game after school!

Nasir: SORRY!

Zac got the kids downstairs, got the girls into their car seats, Noor and Nasir was putting they jackets on.. Zac got Zayden stuff on. Zac grabbed the car seats and made Nasir carry the diaper bag. Zac got everyone in the car and headed to dropped them off. After he did that he headed to the office.

Fatima's POV:
Fatima woke up around 9:30 AM, Fatima was having really bad heartburn, she got up did her morning routine and went downstairs to eat some yogurt, and made her some coffee before going downstairs in her office area. Andi had called her while she waited for coffee to be down.

Fatima: Hey Andi!

Andi: Hey girl, you okay?

Fatima: Just got some really bad heartburn that's all, you at the office?

Andi: Nope Zac told me you was gone be home by yourself today and Thursday so I'm On my way to you just wanted to make sure you was up.

Fatima: Um you not going to work?

Andi: I got my laptop and everything I need, I'll be in the kitchen working while you in your office I won't bother you, unless I have to

Fatima: Well okay but y'all know I'm fine I can be home by myself y'all don't have to baby me

Andi: We know you're well capable of taken care of yourself but you can use some company

Fatima: Whatever I'll be downstairs when you get here I'll unlock the door just lock it back when you get in here, I made some coffee too

Andi: Okay I should be there in about 7 minutes

Fatima: sounds good.

Fatima hang up the phone, got her coffee and unlocked the door for Andi then she headed downstairs to get started on her work day.

Zac was in the office by himself, getting the paper organized for his tenants in the apartment building, his first client wasn't until 11 so he got some paper work done. Zac assistant knocked on the door and Zac told her to come in.

Zac assistant: That old lady is here again!

Zac: Who? I hope not Ms. Margret ass!

Zac assistant: Yeah here she said she was looking for Bryce, I told her Bryce wasn't available, then she asked for you I told her the same thing. She still won't leave.

Zac: This lady really have problems, I'm telling you she's crazy as fuck

Zac assistant: what you want me to do?

Zac: I'll be down there just gave me a second.

Zac assistant walked out closing the door, Zac grabbed his phone and called Madam.

Madam: Wassup family you good?

Zac: Wassup M, I got a problem!

Madam: Wassup?

Zac: Ian mother her ass still popping and shit what's going on you still didn't handle that?

Madam: Fatima told me to wait, I wanted to respect my cousin wishes, where you at?

Zac: I'm at the office, her ass downstairs in the lobby

Madam: What that old bitch want, I thought you told her you can't help her anymore why is she there

Zac: I did her ass just keep popping up, and her ass popped up at the old house.

Madam: This old bitch crazy! Go see what she's wants and call me back!

Zac: Ight M

Zac hang up the phone on Madam and went downstairs, Ms. Margaret was sitting in the chair, she got up when she seen Zac.

Zac: What is you doing here, I told your ass don't bring your ass back here!

Ms. Margaret: I told you, my son and Fatima will get back together, so I'm here to talk business.

Zac: Ms. Margaret that will never happen, like are you okay? Cause this shit you doing is delusional like very and you to old to be acting like this

Ms.Margaret: You've been in jail before right?

Zac: What you gone do get me locked up? (He laughed)

Ms. Margaret: that's one way to get you away from Fatima.

Zac: You are something else Ms. Margaret have a good day... crazy ass

Ms. Margaret: You don't even know what I'm capable of.. Watch your back

Zac walked away and called Fatima but she didn't answer, Zac called Madam and had let her know what Ms. Margret said. Madam told Zac she was outside his office, and to come outside Zac went out there.

Madam: Where her ass at?

Zac: Her old ass should be walking out in few seconds

Madam: I'm gone follow her ass, I got it from here don't worry she won't be a problem ever again.

Zac: Are you gone kill her? Fatima don't want her dead! I'm not trying to get into with her about this stupid ass situation

Madam: Fatima will be fine, she won't know unless you say something.

Zac: One thing I'm not doing is keeping a secret from her, we don't even play like that!

Madam: nigga well you can tell her or don't, you called me to handle this problem so I'm gone to do just that or I can leave it alone and let her ass continue to keep popping up every damn where!

Zac: Can you just let me talk to Fatima first!

Madam: You do that, I'm gone follow the bitch.

(Fatima was calling Zac)

Fatima: Hey baby you called me, Sorry I was in a meeting.

Zac: Yeah I did babe, Ms. Margaret ass showed up again.

Fatima: What the fuck? For what?

Zac: Her old ass asked me have ever been in jail before and I don't know what she's capable and all this bullshit.

Fatima: I'm so sick of this bitch, she gotta go like seriously now she's becoming a huge problem babe..

Zac: I'm on it, Madam right here!

Fatima: Well damn that's was fast.

Zac: Yeah just wanted to call you and let you know so there isn't any mixed communication

Fatima: Well thank you baby, I have to get back to work, I'll see you when you get home.

Zac: okay babe... Love youuuu

Fatima: Love you too!

Madam: Y'all are so cute, so happy my cousin find somebody like you! You better not ever fuck her over

Zac: Trust me I won't!!!!

Madam: Good! When it handle I'll give you a call!

Zac: Bet thank you M

Madam got in her car and pulled off, Zac went back to office to grab his paperwork then he headed to his first client.

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