Chapter 169: Parenting

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Fatima made it to Zayden's room, he was chilling on his bean bag reading a book.

Fatima: Are you ready to talk? Or do you still need time to process your feelings?

Zayden sat up on his bean bag and put the book away, giving Fatima his undivided attention because they was teaching him how to be respectful and how to have manners, for the most part Zayden was a well- behaved kid, but he had days when he just wanted to act out, like any other kid.

Zayden: Yes Mommy and before we have a conversation about me being bad in daycare I'm sorry

Fatima: Thank you for that, Are you okay? Why wasn't you not listening to Ms. Young she is always so nice to you, You don't treat people like that, okay?

Zayden: I know mommy and I just wasn't having a good day but i promise to be better tomorrow

Fatima: Thank you! Is there something I can do or your dad to make your day better?

Zayden: Do I still have sit up here or can I go downstairs to play

Fatima: We're going to call Ms. Young and you're going to apologize to her for your behavior today and that's up to your dad

Zayden: Daddy gone say no ( he sucked his teeth)

Fatima: Well you can't always expect to be rewarded with something good when you were acting out today. Do you think you should be allowed to play even though you were bad at daycare?

Zayden: Yes mommy

Fatima: Why is that Zayden?

Zayden: Because i apologize and i promise to change my behavior

Fatima: What's gonna happen if it happens again?

Zayden: It's not mommy

Fatima knew Zayden was lying but he was just 5 years old. What do you expect from him? Zayden and Fatima called Ms. Young. Zayden apologized and she accepted his apology. These were Zayden's last couple weeks in daycare. He'll be starting Kindergarten.

Fatima: Go ahead, you can go downstairs and apologize to your dad!

Zayden: Okay

Zayden went downstairs, Fatima went into her bedroom to change into something comfy. Zac was still in the kitchen.

Zac: Wassup punk, T let you back downstairs?

Zayden: Hi daddy, and yes and i'm coming to say sorry for being bad in daycare..

Zac: Thank you punk. Tomorrow you gone have a good day, right?

Zayden: That is right daddy!!

Zac: My man!

Zac gave Zay a high five and Zayden ran off to the playroom, Fatima came back downstairs in the kitchen with Zac.

Fatima: We wasn't too easy on him?

Zac: You handle it, I don't know. Do you think you went easy on him?

Fatima: I mean I don't know, he apologized and said he will change his behavior, all I can is take his word, I mean he's 5 (laughing)

Zac: Did he or Ms. Young tell you why he wasn't have a good day?

Fatima: He was just having one of his days.

Zac: As long as he learned his lesson we should be good, you don't think he deserved a ass whooping ?

Fatima: If I did he was still be in that room!

Zac: Okay then you handled it as best you can.

Fatima: Just making sure.

Zac: i wanna take you on a date tonight, we are long over due for one

Fatima: You and me? Or with the kids?

Zac: Well you, me, Lori and Rob, Andi and Amp

Fatima: Who's gone watch the kids? Those are literally our baby sitters (laughing)

Zac: M and Tommy ass, she said she come over and watch them while we out

Fatima: Of course, cool I like that, some casual or we stepping out?

Zac: We stepping out baby!!

Fatima: Okay okay, What time?

Zac: We leaving around like 9:30, Andi and Amp gone meet us here, M and Tommy gone be here in like a hour she said

Fatima: Sounds good babe.

Zac: Cool.

Nasir came upstairs with his homework so Fatima could check it.

Nasir: I'm done Auntie, you ready to check it.

Fatima: Let me see.

Nasir handle Fatima his homework and she checked, this week he was learning how to use negative numbers in math and fraction, he also was learning how to write properly so he had to write a letter. He's paper looked good, and his math work was correct.

Fatima: I see you baby boy, everything looks good, put your stuff back in your book bag and sit it by the door.

Nasir: Thank you Auntie, can you make me a sandwich I'm hungry

Zac: A sandwich would slap right now

Fatima: (laughing) I bet it would

Fatima made quick sandwiches for Zac and kids to hold them over until dinner, they decided to just order them pizza dinner, Madam and Tommy made they way to Zac and Fatima house, after the kids was done eating they was outside in the back running around the girls was riding in their remote cars. Fatima got drinks ready and all the adults sit in the back too. Kai was down for his nap.

Fatima: Where blue at?

Madam: Blue where her little girlfriend she said she don't do kids

Fatima: Shit I don't blame her (laughing)

Tommy: Can I gave them some cookies?

Fatima: Let me ask you question? (Talking to Tommy)

Tommy: Yes Fatima?

Fatima: What is it with you and these damn cookies? Why do you always seem to have cookies?

Madam: I be asking the same questions

Tommy: They good! And who doesn't like cookies.

Zac: Shit I wanna cookie bro let me get one.

Tommy throw a bag of cookies at Zac, Zac open them up and ate one

Zac: Man these shits are Fire

Tommy: See told y'all

Zayden and Noor ran over to Zac.

Zayden: Can I have some daddy?

Noor: Me too uncle zaccc

Zac: Man I can't never have nothing! (He shook his head)

Tommy: Here (handed Zayden the another bag of cookies) You have to share.

Fatima: How many damn bags you got nigga? (Laughing)

Tommy: 3

Madam: This Nigga (laughing) I love your ass Tommy but nigga you weird!

Fatima: What my kids eat when they at your damn house just cookies huh?

Madam: (laughing) No Tommy cooks meals for us then they eat cookies

Fatima: Shaking my head

Zac: You want one they actually good (putting it in her face)

Fatima: Get that damn cookie out my face nigga

Zac: you such a lame babe (laughing)

Zac got up went to play ball with the boys and Tommy join them, Madam and Fatima was just relaxing watching the view.

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