Chapter 12. Gut Feeling

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Fatima was quite the rest of the work day, Lori can sense that something was wrong with her but she just wanted to just say in her lane, if Fatima wanted to talk then she'll come to her when she's ready. Fatima had all types of mixed emotions, She was happy but also scared, she wasn't sure of the outcome of this pregnancy if she was pregnant, she just wanted a healthy baby.

It's about 4:30 now. Lori has to get the kiddos from after school program, Nasir has football practice and Noor had dance practice.

Fatima: You ready to get out of here?

Lori: I'm ready, You okay T?

Fatima: I'm okay .

Lori: I'm here for you with whatever, you can always count on me T.

Fatima: I know Lori thank you.

Fatima and Lori headed home, Lori said bye and went on her way, Fatima went inside and called Zac.

Zac: Wassup baby, I'll be home in a few

Fatima: Um where are you?

Zac: I'm dropping Zay off to his mother, then I'm off to you, you good? You okay? Why you sound like that?

Fatima: I'm okay it's just been a long day, I'm tired and extremely exhausted. Can you hurry home?

Zac: yes baby I got you.

Fatima's hangs up the phone and went to take a shower, she didn't know if she wanted to tell Zac if she's was pregnant or not or just wait it out because it was still early on , but she wanted to tell Zac about Karen's timeline. Fatima was relieved that Zac wasn't father of Karen baby, it was one less problem that they had to deal with.

Zac's POV
Zac pulled up to Heather apartment , Heather somewhat got her shit together, she has her own apartment now , and she recently just brought herself a new car, "2020 Honda Accord" Zac gets Zay out the car and heads to door, Zac usually just say hey and bye, but Heather wanted to talk.

Heather: Zay Zay hey my sweet boy.

Zay: Hey mommy.

Zay disappeared into the house.

Heather: Hey Zac you got a minute to talk?

Zac: Heather not really something is wrong with Fatima and I wanna get home to her, can you make it  fast?

Heather: Yeah um well I wanted to talk to you about getting Zay back or discuss a plan, cause this only saying him on Thursday isn't cutting it anymore.

Zac: what you have in mind?

Heather: I was thinking one week with me, one week with you? But if we wanted to see him on the days we have him we can make that happen?

Zac: I like that idea, but the days he's with you, and you have work, who is he going to be with?

Heather: My mom and I only work the club 3 days out of the week now .

Zac: okay Cool so when you wanna start this schedule?

Heather: Today unless y'all had plans?

Zac: Yeah I got my niece and nephew this weekend, we can start Sunday.

Heather: Okay thank you, and thank you for everything you do for Zay I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart

Zac: Of course, Fatima gone pick him up after work she usually off by 5, call me if you need anything.

Heather: Okay

Zac left Heather apartment, Zac and Fatima usually do date nights on Thursday since Zayden is with his mom, but Zac knew something was wrong with Fatima, so he just stopped at their favorite restaurant "Mount blue" and grabbed her some flowers, he didn't wanna spend to much time out, so he hurried home.

Back at home.
Zac pulled up in the drive way and got the food and Fatima's flowers out the car, and went in the house, the house was quite when he walked in.

Zac: T? T? Fatimaaaa??

No answer, Zac puts the items down and head upstairs, once he's got upstairs Fatima was sleeping like baby, he wanted to wake her up because he misses her so bad but he knew she needed the rest. So he let her be, he kissed her forehead and went back downstairs, he put the food in the oven and the flowers in some water, This is first time the house had actually been quite.

"Man I don't know what to do with myself" "

"Zayden with his mom, and wifey is sleep"

He thinks to himself, Zac just chilled on the couch since he had nothing to do, he thought he should call Karen to see if they can work something out regarding this baby.

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