Chapter 167: Grand central station

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2 weeks has passed, everything so what has been back to normal. Madam and her crew ended making Brianna's death a suicide, which was ruled as that, Zac and Fatima never spoke of her again, they just left it alone. The last week has been great for Zac and Fatima they've connected on a whole different level, they been going to church twice a week. Today was Thursday, Zac was at the office and Fatima was at her Law firm. They kids was at daycare.

Bryce: You want me to collect rent from our residents? Or you got it?

Zac: I could grab that on my way home, since I'm going that way.

Bryce: Cool with me man just checking.

Zac: Cool bro you need anything I'm about to head out? I gotta get some groceries on my way home.

Bryce: Nah man we good, I'll see you on Monday.

Zac: See you Monday Bryce.

Zac grabbed his things and left, as he walking to his car a familiar voice startle him.

Bailey: Zachary?

Zac: Bailey? What you doing here?

Bailey was Brianna's older sister, but she didn't leave in ATL, so her coming back to the A only means one thing... Trouble.

Bailey: You know I just buried my little sister, I'm just here cause I got some questions, they saying my sister killed herself, but that didn't make sense because I know for a fact my sister wouldn't do no shit like that especially cause she has my nephew

Zac: Look I don't know why you came to me looking for questions but I ain't your guy, so if that's all I gotta go.

Bailey: That's funny cause before my sister "supposedly killed herself" she was going to meet you, you was sleeping around? How you sleeping around with her and you're married, I see nothing much has changed in all these years.

Zac: For one relax with all that, you don't know me like you fucking think you do! And second I wasn't sleeping with that damn girl, I'm married yes that I am, so I wouldn't do no shit to jeopardize my relationship. You hear questioning me about your sister and she was a whole cop.

Bailey: What's the supposed to mean Zachary?

Zac: Maybe the job got the best of her, you know how shit be. But I'm telling I had nothing to do with that. I got kids of my own why would I do that.

Bailey: My sister was shot three times how the fuck is that a suicide?

Zac: I don't know Bailey and I don't care not my fucking problem!

Bailey: Who's this wife of yours?

Zac: Trust me you don't wanna know who my wife is, she is not the one.

Bailey: Um don't let me find out you did something to my sister.

Zac: Have a good day Bailey.

Zac left and if you wondering how Brianna's death was ruled a suicide Madam had her ways and people owned her favorites. Zac headed to target to get some groceries at the house, he pulled up to target 15 minutes later got out the car and went inside, grabbed a cart and started shopping, he was shopping for a good 10 minutes then he seen Deja.

Deja: heh, (looking at him all flirtatious) there go my Deja daddy!

Zac: I'm not your Deja shit, getcha deja ass outta here for Deja slap the shit outta you!

Deja: It's like that Zachary the daiquiri.

Zac: it's been like that, now move! Go find somebody else to fuck with cause I'm not the one

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