Chapter. 3 Let the games begin

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Fatima thinks to herself, I'm not letting this slide no-more, clearly the meeting at her house was for nothing. She must of lost her damn mind popping up again after I told her to stop, Fatima goes upstairs and sees Zac is sleep, she takes his clothes off and put him under the covers, after that she put some tennis shoes on and a hoodie and heads back downstairs, Right before Fatima open the front door, Deja start blasting her music, Fatima mumbles, so 2 bitches wanna get beat up tonight, okay let the games begin.

Fatima goes outside, and soon as she step outside Karen started up her car, not noticing Fatima yet, Fatima goes and bangs on Deja door, Deja opens the door.

Fatima: Turn that shit off, for I bust your head through them damn windows.

Deja: Yes yes ma'am I mean Fatima

Eventually Karen see Fatima and turn her car off and step out before she can even get a word out Fatima says


Karen: I just wanted to deliver the news personally and tell Zac that he is the father of this child.

Fatima: And how would you know that Karen?

Karen: well I went to the doctors yesterday and the timeline matched up not that is any of your business.

Fatima: So you had to come this late at night to deliver some news which you could of kept? Cause I'm not buying it. And Zac is my business so what concerns him, Concern me, got it?

Karen: Well Fatima I don't care why you not buying this is Zac baby.

Fatima: Ok Karen (Fatima giggles, then her face gets serious) I'm tell you this one MORE TIME, make this your last time popping up at my house cause the next time someone gone end in the hospital and it's ain't gone be me. Pregnant or not.

Karen: is that a threat Fatima?

Fatima: A promise.

Fatima just ended walking away from Karen and going back in the house, she still wasn't feeling well and decided to head back upstairs, she took off her shoes and her hoodie and went to sit In bathroom, worrying why she was feeling the way she was feeling, eventually she got up and went back to bed. But the way she was feeling she couldn't sleep anymore, she tossed and turn all night.

It's about 7 a.m. Fatima got up and showered, did her meditation and prayed. Fatima went downstairs to make coffee cause she know In fact her and Zac needed it. Fatima called Andi to take a personal day, Andi agreed. While she waited for Zac to get up, she cleaned up and Vibe to some R&B jams. Fatima was to much In her groovy she didn't even notice Zac came downstairs.
Zac walks up behind her, give her gentle kisses on the neck.

Zac: Good morning Gorgeous

Fatima: Good morning Honey, how you sleep?

Zac: Good, you?

Fatima: Not good that's why I'm up early

Zac cuts right to the chase, so there isn't any mix communication when it's comes to them.

Zac: Karen ass showed up her last night, on some the baby is in fact mines, shorty started wilding saying "she rather raise this baby alone then with some Ex con, and how I'm not shit"

Fatima: Wait she said that?

Fatima blood is boiling, one thing she can't stand is when a mf tried to disrespect her man, specially not no women. Fatima couldn't believe Karen said all that to Zac since the expression she got from her last night. This bitch wanna die fr Fatima thinks in her head.

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