Chapter 65. Growth

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Today was Sunday, around 8 a.m. Fatima wanted to get back in the habit of going to church, Zac wasn't a big fan of it, but he did anything Fatima wanted to do to make her happy, she didn't force church on Zac, But she wanted to show him, how good church makes you feel, with everything that went on Fatima just wanted a fresh start, She wanted to change some of her way, With having kids she realized Violence wasn't the answer anymore, But she wasn't afraid to pop off if anyone fucked with her, her man, or her kids!

Zac didn't like the idea of church he never understood the meaning of it, With him being in and out of jail, he felt like church wasn't for him. But him and Fatima sat down and discussed just going to see what if feels like, and if it wasn't for him he doesn't have to go, Zac agreed. Lori was tagging along as well, Lori wanted to change some of the way she handles things, Lori was so soon to pop off, she wanted to change that, She didn't want her kids seeing her like that. So Sundays was a family affair.

Everybody got ready, and made their way to church. Service didn't start until 9:30 and ended at 11:30.

Service was going well, Fatima was so proud on how focus Zac was, she kept looking at him, just admiring him. It's like something different came over Zac, The preacher asked if anyone wanted to come up and say something, and Zac volunteered

Lori: T is he fr? What is he doing!

Fatima: i don't know, he must of lost his damn mind!

Lori: T we in the CHURCH!

Fatima: Oh shoot I forgot!

Zac walked up to the stand and grabbed the Mic from the preacher.

Zac: Um this is New to me, but my name is Zachary Taylor, My family right over there, I have a beautiful fiancé over there and I have 2 twins girls and a son, Also over there is my Sis, and my niece and Nephew.

The crowd: AWEEEEE

Zac: Church wasn't really my type of thing, I'm not afraid to admitt that I've been in and out of jail, and I have done some stuff I shouldn't have but that doesn't make me a bad person, it makes me human, my lady asked me here today and I'm not gone lie I was a little skeptical, and after listening to you preach, this something I wanna do every Sunday with my family. Today has been one of those days when I just sat back and relaxed, and listening to you and you was preaching! I really took something from this! Thank you.

Zac shook hands with the preacher and went back to his seat and kissed the Fatima. It was a bittersweet moment.

The preacher: That young man had the encouragement to get up here and express his feelings, we need more people like him, don't be afraid to speak your truth, Stand in it, thank you young brother, wish you and your family the best.

The preacher wrapped up, and Service was over. A young couple with seems like 5, and 2 year old stopped Zac and Fatima, and congratulated them on their beautiful family and wanted to know if they wanted to do play dates. Lori was also invited. They agreed.

Zac, Fatima, Lori and the kids left. They went to get some breakfast, then Zac dropped Zay off to his mom, and Lori took the kids their dads.

Zac, Fatima and the girls went home, and put the girls down for their nap.

Zac: babe when you done changing your clothes meet me in the back deck.

Fatima: okay babe.

Fatima changed her clothes and went to the back deck per Zacs request, when she walked into the back, Zac had flowers waiting for her.

Fatima: babeee (🥹) what is this for.

Zac: This just for always being by myself, and today showed me that you're always right, I'm glad we spent the day at church it's was really refreshing and motivational. So thank you!

Fatima: Well thank you for always trusting me, I just want us to be about to grow together. I love you honey.

Zac: I love you too!

Fatima: well since the girls is sleep you wanna get in the hot tub?

Zac: You already know baby!

Zac and Fatima spent some alone time in the hot tub, while the girls was sleeping. Zac had couple beers.

Fatima: I'm hoping Andi shows up to work tomorrow!

Zac: I do too, you don't think we was to hard on her?

Fatima: Nah Andi a big girl, I just think it's something else going on with her!

Zac: When we gone figure it out, but rn we gone enjoy this alone time! Before the girls get up.

Fatima: Okay.

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