Chapter 161: Godparents 💕💙

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Today was gender reveal day for Lori and Robin. Zac and Fatima have been running all around the world for this reveal, their planner that usually plans the events for them, wasn't in town. So Zac and Fatima handled everything themselves, with the help of other people.

The gender reveal was outside, in a big yard, they couldn't find a hall, but it was good because of the nice weather so it was a win, win. Zac, Fatima and a couple of other People were decorating all day, Andi was at the house holding the kids down for them

Fatima: Don't play with us, we really got this place looking good, maybe we should go into event planning.

Zac: Hell nah, you can, you been yelling all day wanting stuff a certain way I don't got time for that (laughing)

Fatima: Boy please

Zac: I'm serious, Lori better not have not one attitude today or I'm knocking all this shit over. Party OVER

Fatima: She's going to be appreciative, she said she never had an Reveal before

Zac: Nah that is right, we always did babyshower.. But it's first for everything right?

Fatima: That, that is!!!

Zac's phone started ringing. It had been ringing all day. Fatima was ignoring it but started to irritate her.

Fatima: Who's been calling you? Your phone has been ringing all day. You just been looking at it, locking it, what's that about?

Zac: It's a unknown number babe, you know i don't answer those

Fatima: Well it must be important if they call you like that.

Zac: It aint that important if it's an unknown number..

Fatima: Next time it rings, answer it!

Zac: For what?

Fatima: Because I wanna know who that is

Zac: Whatever Fatima.

Fatima finished up the last decorating, it was going on at 12:00 p.m. they left to go home and get ready the reveal wasn't until 2:30 p.m. During the car ride Zac's phone had rang again, Fatima let it slide, it rang again and fatima snatched the phone. Zac throw his hands up


Brianna: Girl gave Zac his phone!!


(Fatima hung up the phone!)

Zac: That was Brianna wasn't it?

Fatima: Yup know the bitch is done right after this reveal I'm going to kill the bitch personally!

Zac: We didn't even found out if she's the feds or not we can't do that

Fatima: Well let's pray she's not!

Zac just shook his head, they rode home in silence when they got home Fatima went straight upstairs and got in the shower to get ready for the gender reveal. The kids was already ready thanks to Andi. Zac followed behind Fatima, but she shut the bathroom door on him.

"Everything just always my fault" he mumbled. Lori walked in the room.

Lori: Where T at? She supposed to be doing my makeup

Zac: She's in the shower.

Lori: What's wrong with you? You look frustrated..

Zac: I am but today all about you, so don't worry about me, how you feeling Lor?

Lori: I'm feeling good actually, a little nervous, I only cried once today.

Zac: (laughing) What your ass was crying about now?

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