Chapter 127: Water me I'll water you!

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(Back to the present)

Fatima woke up around 3:50 a.m., Zac wasn't in bed, so she was confused. Kai feeding was at 4 a.m. she got up and went to the bathroom, after that she went downstairs to see if Zac was down there, but he wasn't. "Where is this boy at" she whispers. She went upstairs to check Kai's room, then following to the girls room but he wasn't in there.

She checked in Zayden room, and there they was, Kai and Zayden was both laying on Zac chest, they was all knocked out, Fatima couldn't do nothing but smile, she went back in her room, grabbing her phone, going back to Zayden room snapping a picture of them. Fatima went to grab Kai so he can eat.

(Fatima was picking Kai up, and Zac jumped)

Zac: Come on babe you scared the shit outta me

Fatima: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake up, I just wanted to feed Kai.

Zac: What time is it?

Fatima: going on 4 a.m.

Zac: Did you get enough sleep?

Fatima: Yeah I did, here gave me him. I don't want Zay to wake up.

Zac handed Kai to Fatima, then taking Zayden off him, moving slowly so he doesn't wake him, and put the covers over him, Zac, Fatima and the baby left out Zayden's room. Going into their room.

Fatima: How did you end up in Zay room babe (she blushed)

Zac: He woke up around like 1 something saying he couldn't sleep, I was only supposed to be in there for 10 minutes but I couldn't move (he laughed) ended sleeping for 2 hours with them. They was probably one of the best sleeps I had in a while.

Fatima: What you trying say, you don't be comfortable sleeping with me? (She laughed, nursing Kai)

Zac: Oh nah babe I do, it just something with sleeping with your kids, just makes me feel like I'm doing good as a father,

Fatima: oh you definitely are, everyday I watch how you interact with them, and how you care and attend to them. I love to watch it.

Zac: Thank you babe, I can say the same about you!

Fatima: you have to be up at what, 6?

Zac: Yeah I do

Fatima: Well you go back to sleep, and I got Kai.

Zac: I'm up now, about to get a work out in, take a shower by that time I should be heading to the office.

Fatima: Okay well enjoy your work out!

Zac got up and kissed Fatima, going downstairs into their gym, Fatima finish nursing Kai, and changing his diaper. She swaddle him and put him into his bassinet next to her, he went right back to sleep. So did Fatima.

Zac got a hour in, then he went back upstairs got in the shower and did his morning routine, went downstairs and got everything prepared for breakfast and then got the girls, Kai and Zayden bag ready And he sit everything by the door, (it was the small things they did for each other that meant the most).

Zac made him a smoothie, it was now going on 6:30 a.m., he went upstairs to kiss everyone goodbye, they was still sleeping and he headed out the door.

He forgot Fatima said she needed gas, so he went back inside to grab her keys, going to the gas station to full her tank up, He grabbed flowers on his way out, with note care and wrote " You have made me who I am today. I love you mama! - Zac :)"

He got back home, taken her keys back inside, and leaving back out, he was late, but he had to make sure everything at home was in good hands family was first priority.

Kai woke up again for his next feeding, Fatima nursed him, then she got him washed up and dressed, going downstairs to get started on breakfast. She had strapped Kai into his swing turning on the Tv for him.

She noticed how everything was packed and at the door for her and she walked into the kitchen, Zac had everything on the counter for her.

"I think I got the best man in the world" She whispered and smiled. She got started on breakfast, she was making oatmeal for the girls, Zayden likes bacon and eggs with toast so she made that for him..

The bacon was in the oven so she went upstairs and got Zayden up and ready and sent him downstairs, then she did the same with the girls.

Everybody was ready, she got them seated and fed. It was going on 8:30, she got her stuff together and dressed and everybody was out the door.

"Shit" I still gotta get gas she says to herself.

Zayden: Mommy you said a bad word!

Fatima: Ops I'm sorry Zay I won't say again (she laughed)

She got them in the car, and went to get in the car herself, she noticed the flowers and the note card.

"My baby so sweet!" She picked up the flowers to smell them, she called him, before pulling off.

Zac: Baby wassup, you good?

Fatima: I'm good, I am amazing. How did you pull this off!

Zac: I got my ways baby! You know you water me I water you type shit, and I don't know if you know I filled your tank up.

Fatima: Zac, babe you didn't have too, you gone make me cry!

Zac: Man you're crybaby ass, I love you!

Fatima: I love you moreee, I'll call you after I drop the kids off.

Zac: Ight baby, be careful!

Fatima hang up the phone and headed to the office to drop the kids off at daycare.

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