CHAPTER 54: Andri Amaara 2

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Just as he was about to use more force to see if he could push through, he was startled by a voice that came from behind "you're up, are you hungry?"

The sea beastman who took Hao Shen was called Andri Amaara, most beast men whether they were sea beast men, land beast men or sky beast men, they all had a single name but the merfolk tribe of the sea beast men's tribes were different, they were seen as royalty's among the other sea beast men.

They were much more smarter and civilized than the rest of the sea beast men. They were also the ones who brought about the trade between land beast men and sea beast men.

They are the first civilization in the beast world and this was why most sea beast men were arrogant, even if they were not from the merfolk tribe.

Although these sea beast men felt inferior to the merfolk tribes beast men, they felt that they were much better than land or sky beast men who were yet to develop.

But the merfolk beast men themselves weren't arrogant, they had pride and were a bit lazy but never arrogant.

Maybe because of their nature, they were able to develop faster than other beast men. Sea beastman unlike what Kevin thought, were able to stay on land, the higher their level was the longer they could stay on land. But sea beast men preferred staying in the water creating a misconception that they couldn't live outside of the water.

And because the sea beast men hated staying on land for too long they went to consult the merfolk tribe of the sea beast men tribes. And because the merfolk tribes were lazy and also hated going on land as well, they created the trading option.

But as time went by and the merfolk tribe grew, they found it hard to see each other as a single tribe, so they divided themselves into clans, and inorder to differentiate their clans from each other, they gave their clans different names and all the beast man born from that clan would bare that name as their own.

Andri was from one of those many clans but his position in his clan was rather sensitive, how ever, for some reason he was kicked out of the entire tribe not just his clan, and was made to live in one of the most dangerous environments in the sea.

There was an underwater lava at the bottom of this lake which turned the lake into a hot spring, and although the lava was far underneath the lake, it was still quite dangerous for marin life to live in.

Which was why most fish's wouldn't stay in such a place. And because their were no food in the lake, Andri had to constantly go on land to hunt for food.

And even though with his level, he could stay on land for months, he never stayed too long on land. He confined himself in this small lake and made it his home.

But as time flew by, he became lonelier and lonelier. he could still contact his clans men but the only time they ever contacted him was to make sure he went to the under sea lava area and when he tried contacting them himself they treated him like a stranger. Which was quite understandable because of what he did.

And because he didn't want to repeat what he did he stayed away from all beast men including the beast tribe living close to the lake, they didn't even know he existed.


Today, just like any other day, Andri walked into his store room to get some food when he found out that his food was all gone. He went on land to hunt for more food as there were no fish's around him and it would be a total waste of time to swim to where he could find some fishes.

He hunted as many preys as he could and then brought them batch by batch into the lake, and was bringing the last batch with him when he felt the aura of a level 3 beastman.

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