CHAPTER 7: He Never Returned

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Where could her baby be, she was extremely scared that something bad might have happened to him.

Feng Qi replied "Yes but we didn't talk much, why'd you ask". All day Feng Qi had been thinking of what Hao Shen told him before he left and with Hao Shen's mom calling, he was scared that something bad had happened to him.

"Hao Shen isn't home, I was thinking, you knew were he went or did he tell you anything about his disappearance?" Hao Mai Yan questions where like bombs to Feng Qi.

Hao Shen was missing and it might have been his fault, he quickly answered "he didn't tell me that he was going anywhere plus aside from my house and school he doesn't know anywhere else, if he was to be hiding anywhere the next best place aside from my house, would be at the school grounds".

"Thank you", Hao Mai Yan wanted to end the call when Feng Qi called out "aunty can I join you in finding him at the school, I know everywhere in the school including some secret hiding spots, so please let me join you".

Hao Mai Yan didn't care. If he can help then that's good but if he couldn't help she still won't stop him from trying. It was better if two people could look for one person than for just one person to do so.

So she let him tag along but they were to meet at the school gate.

Hao Mai Yan called the director again and request he came to the school to open the schools gate, while Feng Qi was trying to convince his mom to let him go search for Hao Shen.

Hao Mai Yan had gotten to the school before Feng Qi did. They waited for the director together while talking about Hao Shen.

It was at this moment that Feng Qi told Hao Mai Yan what had happened.

Hao Mai Yan was angry at both Feng Qi and all of Hao Shen's classmates, although it wasn't clear what they did to him, she know it must have hurt her son so much. Knowing Hao Shen, he probably didn't bother to fight back.

She was angry at Feng Qi because he didn't clear the misunderstanding between them and now her son was missing. Almost all her blame was on Feng Qi but she didn't want to say or do anything yet, she just wanted to find her son first then deal with the rest later.

The director arrived at the school, he could feel the coldness radiating from Hao Mai Yan, he didn't dare to imagine what had happened, all he wanted was to open the gates and let the tigress in.

When they went in the director saw that both Feng Qi and Hao Mai Yan was looking for something. He also noticed that the coldness   of Hao Mai Yan was radiating was not towards himself but to Feng Qi.

He approached Feng Qi to know what happened between them. His gossip sense was picked, he could have asked Hao Mai Yan since she was the responsible adult between them but even if he was born with ten guts he would still not be able to speak to her or even question her, talk more of now that she was angry. "Hey Feng Qi what happened? What are you guys looking for?"

Feng Qi didn't bother to look at the director and just gave him a replay while still searching "Hao Shen".

The director was a little confused so he just kept asking "what happened to him?" He asked.
"he went missing" Feng Qi paused for a second before he continued replying "I think he ran away".

The director was shocked to hear this. He no longer bothered Feng Qi and decided to join them in the search. If things gets out, every one would find out that it was because of the neglect of the teachers that Hao Shen ran away, if the teachers had not been nonchalant about the bullying of the students and had tried to stop those students from bullying him then maybe Hao Shen would not have ran Away.

He was also to be blamed. He had known about it and decided to play blind, but if he had come up on behalf of Hao Shen and spoke about it then the kids in the school would not fill free to say their mind on the school forum.

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