chapter sixty four

Start from the beginning

"Oh, thank God." Both girls immediately lost the tension.

"Wait, is this, like, a 'calm before the storm' type of thing?" Billie asked. "Do you need us to drug you?"

"Or shave off your eyebrows to numb you into submission?" Cristina suggested.

"No, I'm fine!" Meredith smiled. "It's not the biggest day of my life, it's the biggest day of Izzie's life. I'm excited about the marriage, not some wedding. Anyway, she's the one who's gone all Bridezilla."

"David Simons, twenty-two, he was in the driver's seat when his car got crushed by a semi. Truck blew a tire and jack-knifed across traffic," the paramedic briefed as he rolled a stretcher into the ER. On it, a brown-haired young boy.

"Okay, take him to bay one until we get a trauma room ready," Callie demanded.

Billie immediately followed the paramedic, already wearing her yellow trauma gown, and began assessing the patient as more victims of the car crash arrived at the ER. It looked like it was going to be a messy day in the pit, despite the fact that multiple residents, including Callie herself, had claimed it would be a slow day. Clearly, she had jinxed it.

"What are the injuries?" Billie asked.

"Chest contusions. Otherwise, vital signs were stable."

"We can't be late..." the guy on the stretcher groaned under his breath.

"Ready? One, two, three." Billie chanted before her and the paramedics transferred David from the stretcher to the gurney. "Late for what?"

"Graduation," he whispered back.

In the ambulance station, another patient came in.

"Becca Wells, twenty-one-year-old, backseat passenger. Vitals stable. Some shortness of breath with good breath sounds," the paramedic introduced swiftly.

"Okay, take her to bay two for now," Callie beckoned towards the bay right next to David's.

"She's gonna be so worried," David said under his breath.

"David, is that you?" Becca cried out as she was transported towards the bay.

"Becca?" David moved a little, trying to catch sight of her, but the head-block kept him bound to the bed in a horizontal position. "Are you okay?"

"I think so, I don't know." She sobbed loudly, almost like she couldn't stop crying even though she tried to. "What about you?"

"I'm talking. Can't be too bad if I'm talking," he replied with a half smile, unbeknownst to the fact that his statement wasn't true in the least.

Another patient came in.

"Twenty-two-year-old front seat passenger, tenderness above the pelvis and an unstable BP."

"Bay five."

"Is my girlfriend here? She was in the backseat!" the new arrival yelled, trying to squirm out of the head-block, but to no use.

"Jordan!" Becca yelled, having recognized the new patient's voice.

"Becca! Becca, have you seen Dana? You were sitting next to her!"

The ER was a mess of screams, running doctors and crying patients. Billie was growing overstimulated by the second, but she was doing her best to chug it all in, reciting the table of two just to drive her mind someplace else.

"Can you check on our other friends? Dana, Michelle, Pete?" Becca asked Alex, who was the doctor assessing her.

"Eight of them piled in the SUV? Are they all this bad?" Callie asked a paramedic in the meantime, seeming worried as she held the phone to her ear.

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