Chapter 39

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Ricky's POV

"Babe are we going on our date tonight?" I asked Ashlynn. Her black hair draped over her shoulders and back, over her black leather jacket. Her lips were stained a blood red, while her make-up around her eyes, was more natural, that made her pale eyes less pale and more blue. She was wearing, black skinny jeans, black boots, a red V neck shirt and her leather jacket. She was looking at me now, while I was loss in her beauty.

"I have a photo shoot, but if you want to come, you can. Then right after we can go on our date. Please come with me." She pleaded.

"Yeah, I'll go baby girl." I said, I am only going cause she wants me too and her red lips spreaded into a beautiful smile. I jumped off my bed, I began to put on my shoes and then leather jacket. I went to Ash and I's dresser and grabbed my keys. I ran down the steps, I turned to emptiness. Ashlynn was somewhere. I heard the toilet and then the bathroom door creak. She slowly came down the steps and looked at me, when she got to the bottom. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." She said, grabbing my hand. Her hands were cold and sweaty. She dragged me out to the car, her face seemed paler than before.

"Ashlynn, babe are you okay?" I asked and she stopped dead in her tracks. Her hand was now at her side and her back was leaning against the car. She raised her hands, crossing them across her chest. She stared at the grey concrete that was our driveway.

"Yeah, i'm fine, just tiered and thinking about stuff." She said and she glanced up at me. "But, I have to go to work and then spend the rest of the day with the best boyfriend ever." She said and hugged my waist tightly. I could tell she was lying but I just want to have a good day.

"Alright let's go." I smiled, she let go and got into the passenger seat, we drove off.


Ashlynn and I walked into a building with glass doors. She was immediately surrounded by a group of loud and obnoxious people.

"Ashlynn, dear who is this?" A girl with brown hair asked and gestured to me. I began to chew my lip and my tongue played with my cold lip ring.

"This is my boyfriend, Ricky." Ashlynn said, with a smile and she laced her fingers with mine.

"Hey." I said, with a small smile and a small wave, with my free hand.

"Hello, alright. Ashlynn to hair and make-up." The same girl replied and the group pushed us into another room. There were two chairs, Ashlynn was put in one closest to a table with make-up and I was put in the one facing it. People began to mess with her hair and make-up.

"Ashlynn, dear. Allie said she meet you. She loves you and your brother he is a sweety." A lady with lots of surgery came over to us.

"That's great Coline. Coline this is my boyfriend, Ricky. Ricky this is my boss Coline." Ash said, I smiled and waved.

"Hello Ricky. Are you going to be coming to the party?" She asked.

"Yeah, thanks for the invite." I mumbled.

"Haha, good. Ashlynn's little possy is invited so can't wait. So your dress is in the dressing room, I think you will like it." Coline said and directed the last part to me. Ashlynn laughed and stood up. Her face was very caked up in make-up. She went to the dressing room and closed the door behind her. A guy dressed in a Santa Claus outfit, if you can even call it that. He was tanned, six pack, brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing big red Santa pants, black shoes and red suspenders. He sat down next to me and looked at me.

"Who are you?" He asked and I turned to him. My nostrils burned of his cologne.

"I am Ricky." I said and turned back to Ashlynn. She was wearing a tight red dress with white fur and the bottom and top. A black belt wrapped around her waist, black heels complemented her pale legs. Her black hair flowed just above the dress and on top was a Santa hat. I felt my jaw drop.

"What?" Ashlynn asked looking at me, she closed my mouth.

"Babe you look sexy in that dress." I said and she grinned. Then Mr. Claus stood up and gasped at Ashlynn, making my jaw clench.

"Wow, Ashlynn you look stunning." He said spinning my girl.

"Thanks Conner, Ricky this is Conner. Conner this is my boyfriend Ricky." She said and rested her hand on my chest.

"Aw yes we meet, Ricky." He said and I rolled my eyes, they landed on Ashlynn. She was smiling at me and I smiled at her.

"Ashlynn, Conner to set." Some yelled and pulled her away.

"Bye babe, i'll be the most an hour or 30 minutes. Love you." She said and kissed my cheek. Before I could answer Conner pulled her away. There was a chair, fit for a king and Conner sat in it. Then some guy told Ashlynn to sit in his lap. She did and I lowly growled.

"Jealous?" A female voice asked. I looked over to my right, Coline stood next to me. "Don't worry about her. Every time Conner asks her to do anything with him she says that she has a boyfriend at home who loves her and she loves him." She said and I grinned.

"I still don't like him." I growled and she laughed.

"No one dose he is honestly another pretty face that all the girls drool over. So that's why we pair him with Ashlynn." She said and I looked at her.

"Have they kissed?" I asked, I don't know if I actually want to know the answer.

"They want them too but Ashlynn refuses." She said with a sigh. I sighed in relief.


"So what do you think?" Ash asked, her head was now laying in my lap. I pulled her hair out and combed threw it with my fingers.

"It looks like you had fun." I said and she frowned, taking my hand in hers.

"Tell me what you really think." She said and her eyes looked into mine.

"Well,itlookedlikeyouwerehappy.That'sallthatcountsright.ButifyouwantmyhonestopinonihateConner.Butthisisyourjobsodoasyouplease.Butdon'tdoanythingwithConner,Ilikeyourbossthoug." I said and smiled.

"Babe slow down." She chuckled.

"I just don't like Conner." I said and she sat up.

"No one dose. He just works with me and I love you." She said and kissed me.

"I love you." I said so only she could hear.

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