Chapter 5- Starbucks Meeting

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Ashlynn's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm was blaring in my ear and I shot up, out of bed. I looked at my clock. 8:00 o'clock. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I had work today, I hoped out of bed. I gathered up my towel, then went across the hall and into the bathroom.  I began to take a shower. I washed my face, my hair, my body and brushed my teeth. I quickly jumped out, then I blow dried my hair and straightened it. Put my make-up on and started to go back into my room.

"Morning, love." Bay said walking into the bathroom and I looked up. She must work this morning as well, she was in the bathroom doorway and I was in the middle of the hall, almost to my bedroom. 

"Morning." I said and went into my room. I shut my door and began to put my clothes back on. I put on tan skinny jeans, my black Tiger shirt, vans and put my leather jacket on. I put my phone, my cigarettes and lighter into my big black purse. I grabbed my purse, then walked out of my bedroom, into the kitchen and went to the fridge. I grabbed a monster and turned around.

"Have fun at work." Harley said walking into the kitchen and walking towards me.

"Yeah whatever, I am going out with Ricky after work. Well I am meeting him here and then going." I said and she grabbed the eggs. "So how is your personal week going." I asked, opening up my purse and throwing the monster inside.

"Uh, it's good. And ok." Harley said, going into the pots and pans cabinet. I grabbed keys out of purse and slowly started walking towards the front door. 

"I am leaving see you later." I said and walked out the front door. I walked down the steps, I quickly got into my car and started it up. I let it warm up and then roll down the window, just a little. I lit a cigarette, then started to lea and started to go to work. 20 minutes I arrived, I grabbed my purse and started to walk into Starbucks.  

"Good morning Ash." Marvin, my boss said as I walked into the back. I hung my purse and jacket up. I walked up to where we serve and Marvin handed me an apron. I grabbed it and quickly put it on. 

"Thanks and morning." I said, walking past him and went up to the station, so I began to work. The doorbell chimed, letting me know a customer was walking in and I flattened my apron out. 

"Hello, what can I get you?" I asked and looked up. Ricky smiled and I smiled back at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, even thou I was happy to see him. 

"Well I need to get coffee for the guys, for our meeting." He smiled and he put his hand on the counter. 

"Well what can I get you?" I asked smiling, he smiled back and looked up at the menu above me. 

"Um 4 medium pumpkin spices and 2 medium caramel crunches hot, please babe." He smiled and I nodded my head. I began to make his drinks and after a couple minutes I gave him his coffees.

"Here you go love." I said and he smiled.

"I'll see you later?" He asked and I nodded my head. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled and he smiled, he grabbed the drinks. "Bye babe." He said, then walked out the door and I smiled.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Marvin asked and I lightly touched my cheek. I turned to him and looked at him.

"No." I said, rudely and got back to work. I thought about Ricky all day.


"Bye Marvin!" I yelled and ran out the door. I walked over to my car, I got in and drove off, towards my apartment. I was listening to HIM, killing loneliness my favorite song. I soon got to my apartment, I grabbed my things and headed up the stairs. I unlocked the door, then opened it and walked in. Harley was on the couch and Ricky was sitting with her.

"Hey guys, what you talking about?" I asked, Winter was on the counter and picked her up. I sat down in between them bot and Winter began to purr, in my lap.

"You." Harley said and I looked at Ricky. He nodded his head and smiled. I felt my face get hot, a blush creeping up on my checks and looked down at my cat. 

"What about me?" I asked and looked up. Ricky and I's eyes locked. I just sat there, staring in Ricky's eyes and petting Winter.

"Just stuff you like and what you don't like." Harley said and I stood up. Winter, jumped out of my lap and ran into the kitchen. 

"Where are we going?" I asked and looked at him.

"Just gonna hang around." Ricky said, I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen, then I grabbed a monster out of the fridge. I opened it and took a gulp of my drink.

"Okay I am going to get out of these clothes and meet you back in here." I said, then I started walking into my room and went in, closing the door behind me. I put on HIM while I changed. I put on half black half checkered pants on, my Buffy The Vampire Slayer sweat shirt and my black vans. I sprayed a little perfume on and walked out. I closed the door behind me and walked into the living room. 

"You look nice." Harley said and Ricky looked at me, smiling. I chugged the rest of the monster and threw the can into the trash.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"See you later, babe." I said and kissed Harley's cheek. "Tell Bay, I'll be home later and if she goes to the store to get me cake or ice cream." I said. She laughed and nodded her head. Ricky and I walked out the door. We walked down the steps and went to his car.

"So how was work?" Ricky asked, as we both got in and he drove away from the apartment complex.

"Meh, it was okay, the only highlight was seeing you there." I smiled and he grinned, while looking at the road.

"Well the guys loved the coffee so, that's good I guess." Ricky said.

"That's great. What did you think?" I asked and looked at him. He glanced over at me and then went back to the road, ahead. 

"That it was great, and you can make some good ass coffee." He said, I laughed and smiled. "You have a great smile." He said and I smiled bigger. I looked at the road and was still smiling. 

"Thanks so do you." I said and he flashed a quick smile. We turned into a small bowling area and we parked. He turned to look at me.

"So what do you think about bowling with the guys?" He asked, he was just looking at me and I looked at him.

"Well, that would be some fun."I said, he nodded and shoved the keys into his pocket. "So you do something fun, other than shoot nerf guns?" I asked and he laughed, while nodding his head.

"Bay should be here, Chris wanted her to come." He said and we began to get out of the car.

"Oh sweet, well let's go then." I said and we started walking into the bowling place. Meeting Bay and the guys inside. 

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