Chapter 13

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Ashlynn's POV

I walked out of the bedroom and stopped at the living room. I was wearing a plain black tight strapless shirt, black, white checkered mini skirt, leather jacket, black fish nets and black heeled boots.

"Wow babe." Ricky said and I smiled. There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it.

"Oh babe, your as hot as ever." Matt said spinning me around. "Let's go before those curls fall out!" He said and I walked over to Ricky.

"Bye my love, i'll be back later." I said kissing him.

"Have fun, bye love." He said.

"Bye Ash have fun." Angelo said I waved and walked out with Matt. We walked down to Matt's car and I opened the door.

"Let's get fucked up!" Matt screamed and we drove to the nearest club. We hopped out and got inside the club. "Let's get some shots up in this bitch!" Matt said and we walked over to the bar.

"What can I get you?" A bartender asked us and I thought.

"4 vodka shots." I said. "What you want babe?" I asked Matt and he was already dancing to the music.

"Uh same as you." He said and the bartender got our shots. We downed them and ran to the dance floor.


"Matt I let's go home." I slurred.

"Okay let's go!" He hiccuped and walked to the car. Alex was sitting on the car.

"Matt babe give me the keys, you are too drunk. I am going to drive you two home." He said Matt and I started to giggle. Alex grabbed the keys and got us in the car. He drove us back to the apartment and walked me inside.

"Hello?" Ricky asked groggily.

"Yours?" Alex asked pointing to me and I giggled.

"Alex this is my boyfriend, I love him like you love Matt. I am in love." I said hugging Ricky.

"Yeah, this girl is mine." Ricky said. "Thanks for not letting her drive." He said holding me up.

"Yeah, Matt called me screaming and I figured I would drive them home." Alex said. I giggled and tired standing up. "Good night nice meeting you." Alex said.

"Good night thanks again." Ricky said and closed the door. I stumbled to the couch. "Okay drink this." Ricky said handing me a glass of water. I gulped it down and Ricky gave me another. I laid back on the couch and Ricky picked me up. He carried me to his room and sat me on the bed. He wiped my make-up off and put me in sweat pants. He put me in a tank top and put my hair up in a bun. He turned the lights off and laid next to me. As soon as his body hit the bed, I clung to him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Good night my sweet." I whispered in his ear.

"Good night babe, sweet dreams." He said and kissed my cheek. I instantly fell asleep.

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