Chapter 26

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Ashlynn's POV

"Angel was Addie, Bay and I's like best friend in Colorado since like 3rd grade. Addie was a good friend, she got abused and when Angel came he would save her. Tell her everything was gonna be okay and he was there for her. He started dating Bay, Addie and I at the same time. He was the reason all of us started smoking. Bay thought that it would come down to me and Addie. I thought it would come down to Bay and Addie. He was picking between Bay and I. Addie was beyond broken and Angel broke her more. When he just disappeared Addie started drugs, drinking, and she had a criminal record. When he came waltzing back into our lives she couldn't deal and died of alcohol poisoning, from trying to drink Angel's memories away." I was crying into Ricky's shoulder. I could hear Bay trying not to cry but failing.

"I am sorry babe." Ricky said and rubbed my back. I stopped crying, I was crying cause of Angel and he isn't worth anything to me anymore. I wiped my tears away and stood up. Everyone's eyes shot over to me and I went to the kitchen. I grabbed the box from Sassy and took the beer out. I opened it and downed half the bottle. I felt some of the pain go away and the bottle was grabbed. I looked at the bottle and Bay had downed the rest.

"Alright now that we are slightly buzzed lets go have my birthday!" I smiled, Bay and I walked into the living room. I was smiling and I was faking. I honestly wanted to grab a lot of vodka, drink it all and lay in bed. But I am not going to let him ruin my birthday. "So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Come on were going some where." Angelo said and everyone stood up. I walked to the car and got in. I put on Stars by Sixx am. We drove to the ice skating rink. I was jumping up and down.

"You are taking me ice skating?" I asked Ricky and hugged him. He was smiling, I knew he felt bad about what happened earlier. "Babe it's okay, you didn't know. I just don't want to talk about it, I am not letting him ruin my birthday, so cheer up. I love you." I said and kissed him.

"Okay baby girl. I love you too." He said and I grabbed my skates. I pulled them on and speed off to the ice. I was doing tricks and spinning. Then I realized that I was the only one on the Ice, everyone was watching me. I smiled and skated up to the rim. "Babe, where did you learn to skate like that?" Ricky asked. Then music started and my favorite song came on, Where did I go wrong by Heartist.

"Bay get yous ass on this rink now." I said and skated away. The song was coming to an end and Bay didn't join me. I was going to try something I haven't done in a long time. I jumped into the air, spinning and landing on one foot.

"Oh my god, Ash you landed it." Bay screamed and I smiled. Then everyone joined me on the ice and I saw Ricky clinging to the edge of the rink. I went over to him and smiled.

"Here, take my hand." I smiled and Ricky took my hand and I pulled him along the rink with me. "See fun." I said.

"So are you having fun?" Ricky asked and I smiled.

"Yes thank you." I smiled.

"My feet hurt." Ricky whined and I pulled him to the exit. Soon everyone was on the side lines rubbing their feet, except me. I kept skating, I felt so alive on the ice.

"Elsa, are you gonna come here and look what I brought you?" Bay said and I skated towards her.

"What's up?" I asked and hung on the side of the rink.

"Remember in Colorado, our skating outfit?" Bay asked.

"Yeah when I was teaching you to skate and you said you were cold all the damn time. I got hot and so I bought us shorts. I out 'ICE' on my butt and put 'BABY' on your butt." I said laughing.

"Yeah, well I found them in a box and well here." She said and handed me the shorts.

"Oh my god. Come on we are putting them on and skating right now." I said hopping over the rink. I threw my skates off and grabbed Bay, running up the steps the the bathroom. I put on the shorts. "Awe we don't have plain black tank." I said and Bay laughed.

"Here, I knew this would happen." She said and threw me a black tank top. I smiled and put it on. I went to the rink and everyone looked at me.

"When I was 13 I was teaching Bay how to skate and well we had outfits." I said.

"How are you not freezing in that?" Harley asked.

"I like this kind of cold." I said and walked to everyone.

"How the hell do you like it?" Ryan-Ashley asked and she was hugging Balz.

"I don't know I feel alive on the ice." I said and began to put on my skates again.

"Don't your feet hurt?" Balz chattered.

"No. Okay after 5 more minutes, we can go somewhere warm. Okay?" I asked and went back to the ice.

"Okay." Everyone shivered. I smiled and began to skate. Bay came up behind me scaring me.

"Uh I miss this." I said and Ricky was watching me. I smirked and did a twirl.

"Ashlynn it's been 10 minutes." Harley said and I shighed okay. I skated over to them. I hopped over and put my shoes on. Bay put her and I's clothes into the bag. I walked out of the rink and was picked up by a strong person. I looked down and Ricky was smiling.

"Aren't you cold?" Kylie asked and I shook my head, no.

"Nope are you?" I asked and she nodded her head. I laughed and we got to the car.

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