Chapter 115 Interstellar Future (13)

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Accidentally attacked a big devil [quick wear]
Traditional Chinese
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 115 Interstellar Future (13)

Just when Han Zhiyuan was so anxious, a few vague murmurs entered his ears. At first, he thought it was hallucinations, but he calmed down and listened carefully, but found that the voices became clearer and the movements became louder and louder. Moreover, Han Zhiyuan was shocked to find that the murmur seemed to come from under the ice.


At this moment, Han Zhiyuan only heard the sound of a door opening not far away, and in the next second, Han Zhiyuan saw a few icicles light up not far away, and at the same time, there was no The abnormal icicle suddenly became hollow, and then one after another huge figure came out continuously.

Han Zhiyuan took a closer look, the ugly face was extremely familiar, wasn't it the giant rat beast in armor that flashed by that day?

Han Zhiyuan quickly hid his body in the dark, and then quietly observed the giant rat beasts that burrowed out of the icicle one by one, only to see them muttering words that Han Zhiyuan did not understand, and then neatly lined up A column went out, in the direction of the hole where they had been before.

Han Zhiyuan moved in his heart, guessing that they might have come because of the avalanche just now.

At this moment, Han Zhiyuan suddenly discovered that under the thick ice on the ground of the originally pitch-black icicle world, a hazy white light suddenly emitted, illuminating the entire icicle world a little hazy. Although the ice surface is too thick, Han Zhiyuan can't see the situation below, but he can clearly feel that there must be something else below, and at this time, in the underground world illuminated by the faint light, Han Zhiyuan clearly sees at least four Five huge icicles became hollow, and the ice door was opening at this time.

For some reason, Han Zhiyuan intuited that the hollow icicles were related to Morn's disappearance. So, when the group of dozens of giant rat beasts left the icicle and walked out of the cave, Han Zhiyuan dodged and moved to the side of the hollow icicle. Just looking at it like that, Han Zhiyuan's eyes widened in shock. He saw that inside the hollow icicle, it was like a ladder connecting the heaven and the earth. At this time, Zhiyuan is like a fairy standing on the clouds in the sky overlooking the whole world.

Under the icicle world, there is another world, such a strange and shocking picture, even the well-informed Han Zhiyuan couldn't help but be shocked and speechless. No wonder they haven't found any kind of creature for so many days. It turns out that there is another world within the surface of the ice-dwelling planet, which is simply amazing.

Han Zhiyuan stared at this picture for a long time and was speechless, but at this moment, a familiar object suddenly broke into Han Zhiyuan's line of sight next to a hollow icicle. He looked closely and saw that it was the food that Han Zhiyuan specially left to Morn, and it was all.

Immediately, Han Zhiyuan's heart was moved, food was precious to them, and Morn couldn't throw the food away, unless he left a code for himself in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Han Zhiyuan was in a hurry again. If Mo En was taken to the underground world by the giant rat beast, it would be troublesome. In the vast sea of ​​rats, where would he go to find it? The point is, go deep into the rat's nest, is this going to die?

But at this time, the situation was critical, and Han Zhiyuan couldn't bear to think too much. Almost in the blink of an eye, Han Zhiyuan put away the food and jumped into something that looked like a big truck pocket in the hollow icicle. In the next second, he only felt that his feet were empty. , and then his whole person fell like an underground world, a complete visual sense of an elevator, but the speed was very fast. This is a strange dark world similar to the human world. There are heaven, earth, houses and creatures, but this day is dark, and this place is also dark, but the house is an enlarged version of the human world, and the walking creatures are exactly the same. That kind of giant mouse beast with a mouse magnified dozens of times, the mouse is all wearing armor and holding a weapon. Humans act and do things like humans, and they can chat and communicate together. Han Zhiyuan flew to the tallest building long before he landed, and then quickly hid his figure in the dark. At this time, for this place, Han Zhiyuan was undoubtedly the alien species that made them curious and caused confusion. Appearance is bound to cause a sensation. Han Zhiyuan observed calmly, and found that a large number of giant rat beasts were constantly being sent to the dark sky, that is, the world of icicles.

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