Chapter 28 The entertainment industry (10)

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Accidentally attacked a big devil [quick wear]
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Chapter 28 The entertainment industry (10)

His career hit rock bottom, his dreams came to an end, and even his friends chose to betray one after another. Tang Yifeng should have spent the most difficult time in his life. But he didn't want to, Han Zhiyuan's intrusion made all this different.

And now, thanks to Han Zhiyuan's help, Tang Yifeng has ushered in a new starting point. I have to say, whether Tang Yifeng is emotional or not, Han Zhiyuan will leave an indelible mark on his life.

The next day, Tang Yifeng received a call from Lin Tianwang. Tianwang chose three of his songs and would personally participate in the recording. This was definitely an unexpected result. Tang Yifeng naturally wanted to go all out.

It just so happened that Tang Yifeng was irritable and flustered because of his change in Han Zhiyuan, and he always wanted to escape.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Yifeng just found an excuse to leave. He had to admit that when he found himself more and more accustomed to Han Zhiyuan's care and touch, Tang Yifeng's first thought was to escape.

But to Tang Yifeng's surprise, Han Zhiyuan unexpectedly did not stop him, and even congratulated him with a smile, which made Tang Yifeng a little puzzled, and some couldn't understand what Han Zhiyuan meant.

In fact, Han Zhiyuan had his own considerations. He naturally felt that Tang Yifeng was escaping, and he had already done what he had to do, but the seal had not been released. The only explanation was that Tang Yifeng might have changed his mind. It's even a little bit interesting, but it didn't reach that point after all. Then at this time, there is no point in continuing to consume like this, forcing it too hastily even backfires.

So, give him a little space, and there may be unexpected results.

After Tang Yifeng left, Han Zhiyuan was also unexpectedly busy. The end of the year was approaching, and Han Zhiyuan also rested for a while. Zhu You received two New Year advertisements for him after obtaining Han Zhiyuan's consent.

However, the unexpected thing came unexpectedly in time, and it was not Tang Yifeng, but Han Zhiyuan himself.

On this day, Han Zhiyuan was recording a Chinese New Year advertisement. When he was finishing work, he suddenly felt a colicky pain in his stomach, and his face turned pale in an instant, and then beads of sweat appeared on his face, just as Zhu You walked towards him, Han Zhiyuan's feet floated for a while, and then he fell down as soon as it got dark.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a familiar white, and then the unique smell of the hospital came out. Han Zhiyuan was immediately speechless. Obviously, this was another earth-shattering collapse and he was sent to the hospital.

It's just that the original owner was a strong young man who exercised regularly, so why did he faint again and again? Han Zhiyuan was puzzled.

"Huh? Are you awake?" Suddenly a strange and warm male voice came into Han Zhiyuan's ears. Only then did Han Zhiyuan realize that there was still a white coat standing beside the bed. Seeing that Han Zhiyuan woke up, he seemed a little surprised. Showing off hair color.

Han Zhiyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition inexplicably.

"Doctor," Han Zhiyuan suddenly pursed his lips, and then said very seriously, "Can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

"This..." The doctor paused, seeming hesitant, but his face was filled with regret. The color even verified Han Zhiyuan's guess.

"I think I have the right to know." Han Zhiyuan looked calm, but it was not difficult to see his persistence.

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