Chapter 8 Cultivation (8)

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The warm sunlight shone on his body, his body, his limbs, and even his hair became warm. After a lot of hard work, I finally walked out of the central area and came to the periphery. I came to this small lake with green grass. The clear lake almost reflected the entire sky inside. The underwater sky and the outside complemented each other, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

Han Zhiyuan lay on his back on the grass, lamenting that he was so lucky that he didn't encounter a single monster, and lamented that black eggs are not useless, at least they can lead the way. Heidan imitated Han Zhiyuan's appearance and lay on his back on the grass, with his feet on the sky, both funny and cute, so stupid that Han Zhiyuan sneered.

On the other hand, a certain bird king, neither lying down nor sitting, just stood firmly in the distance. Han Zhiyuan glanced sideways. At this moment, the Peacock King raised his delicate and noble head slightly, revealing his fair neck and Adam's apple, which was much more delicate than Han Zhiyuan's, facing the sun, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he seemed to be enjoying himself very comfortably.

Han Zhiyuan suddenly thought of the flock of chickens raised by his grandmother in the countryside. At that time, when his grandmother was still alive, he was not alone and would go back during the holidays. Those flocks of chickens, when the sun is hot at noon every day, they will meet in the sun, fluffy feathers and slightly closed eyes, dozing lazily in the sun, the chicken heads are little by little, a little inattentive He will also fall down, then shake his feathers, get up and continue to take a nap in the sun.

So, do they birds like to bask in the sun? No, chickens are birds?

The Peacock King, who was so comfortable that he imagined his body fluttering his feathers and even shaking off the most beautiful and beautiful tail of his entire demon clan, naturally didn't know that he was compared to a chicken by a human race ant that did not live or die, or that he was raised in captivity. chicken.

"I said," Han Zhiyuan suddenly put his hands behind his head, then turned to look at King Peacock, "Do you have a name? I can't call you King Peacock wherever I go, right?" This is not to tell those who are looking for him everywhere person?

King Peacock's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then a shimmer of light flashed in his reddish eyes. He seemed to have no idea that this person's rude behavior would not even understand the most basic dignity, but he didn't say anything after all. After all, this People are not normal.

However, a trance flashed in the eyes of the Peacock King, name? His name has not been called since he became the Demon King seven hundred years ago, and it has been so long that he has become blurred.

After a long while, just when Han Zhiyuan thought he was being ignored by the bird king again, the peacock king opened his thin lips slightly, and spit out two words clearly, "Feng Yu."

Han Zhiyuan raised his brows, "It sounds very good. Name." It's just a bit of a motherfucker. Then Han Zhiyuan didn't dare to say a word. Regarding peacocks, Han Zhiyuan has seen them at the zoo. To tell the truth, they are really beautiful. Whether they are blue peacocks or green peacocks, they are very beautiful. Of course, the female peacocks are not mentioned, and the relatively rare white peacocks are even more amazing. Simply beautiful.

There is a legend that the peacock is the descendant of the phoenix, which is true. Feng Yu? Han Zhiyuan thought of the real body of the Peacock King after the opening of the screen, the only two he had seen twice. It was like that. Don't tell me, this name really suits him.

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