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Jania walks into her apartment with a heavy sigh. She tosses her purse onto the couch and kicks her sneakers off. As she walks through the living room, she pulls the hair tie from her ponytail and winces when it snags a piece of hair.

The band slides down onto her wrist and she scratches her scalp with one hand while unbuttoning her work shirt with the other.

Today has been a long day. A very long, obnoxious day to say the least.

It's been two weeks since her father's birthday party and one week since she's been back at work. She almost forgot how much she loved her job. The customers are mostly friendly and she loves the majority of her coworkers. But standing up and walking around for eight hour shifts after giving birth and being a mom is tough.

It's nothing that she won't adapt to, it's just something that needs to be fit into her schedule now. Before, she just had to work and go home, shower, get ready for bed. Now she has to wake up an hour earlier to get Mina up, fed and dressed. She then has to take her to either her father's house or Mrs. Jung's.

On the days that Hoseok doesn't work and Jania does, he'll come get her and keep her until he does have to go back to work again. That usually either leads to Jania staying the night at his house or him staying the night at hers.

Yesterday was a day that Hoseok didn't work. So he picked her up yesterday morning while Jania went to her shift. She went to his house after work and spent the night. He was also off today so Mina stayed with him again.

He'll be bringing her back tonight... Jania looks at the time on her phone. She's got an hour or so before he arrives.

She gets her things ready, plays her music on a speaker and hops in the shower. She takes her sweet time, feeling the running of water on her body, lathering herself up, shaving for the first time in almost a month and half. It almost feels like she hasn't had the time do these small things for herself.

Jania has the support system available for her and Mina. She was just stressed. She was feeling and under a lot of pressure and stress with everything that had been going on with Paris and her mother. She hadn't felt the need to take the time to do any of this. She didn't have the energy.

But now, as things start to clear up and look better for her and her family's lives, she's getting her energy back. She's in less of a dark spot than she was previously. She's beginning to feel like herself again.

Jania spends almost 30 minutes in the shower, shaving and exfoliating, washing her body. When she gets out, she feels like a brand new woman. She feels light, she feels free. She feels really good. Mentally, emotionally, she feels great.

She hums the tune of 'Angel of Mine' by Monica as she opens the bathroom door. She steps with her towel wrapped around her, allowing the steam and scent of her body wash to follow her out as she walks into her bedroom.

Her eyes widen and she holds her towel closer to her at the sight of her boyfriend sitting on her bed.

"How'd you get in here?"

He holds up her keys with a raised eyebrow. "You left your keys in the door. How long have you been with them like that?" His tone is more concerned than anything.

"Oh. I thought I took them out and put them in my bag. I didn't know." Jania takes them from him and puts them on her dresser. "I'm sorry. Today was a long day."

"You okay? Talk to me about it."

Hoseok leans back, supporting himself with the palms of his hands as he looks at her.Jania turns to her dresser as she sifts through the drawers. She grabs a pair of panties and a tank top.

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