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"Hey, Jah?"

"Yeah?" She responds from the bathroom as she gets out of the shower. Just 20 minutes ago, Hoseok finished giving her an orgasm good enough to wind her. It winded both of them. He was pulling out and filling the condom as he fought to catch his breath.

Jania took a minute to catch hers as well. When she did, they got up to shower which led to more sex. Now they're getting ready to go out to eat before he takes her to Joon and Yuki's to get her car.

"I'm going out of town in eight days. Is that enough time for you to request time off from work to come with me?"

Jania comes into his room and starts drying off.

"I'm not sure. I can ask though. Where are we going going?"

"Texas. There's a sneaker shop opening up down there that the owners want me to promote."

"Really? That's dope, Hobi."

"Yeah, I know. I don't want to go by myself though. I've never been down there before. They might try to kidnap me or something."

"Boy." She rolls her eyes and puts her underclothes on. Hobi smacks her butt in response, telling her to hurry up. She puts on the velour sweatsuit and he rubs her thighs.

"These feel nice. Where you get them from?"

"That little store in the mall you always saying you don't want to go to."

He purses his lips and stands up as she zips up the jacket. They walk downstairs and get their shoes on before leaving. "You want to get your car first or eat first? It's getting late."

Jania checks the time and it's almost 11. She sighs and tells him to get her car first. He drives to the house, they pop in to say hi and then they drive to the restaurant.

"How long are we going to be in Texas for? If my job lets me take the time, I'm gonna need to know that."

"Just four days. The first day is sleeping, the second and third day are the promotions and the fourth day is sightseeing."

She grins when he says the last part. Sightseeing with Hoseok is a different breed. The pictures that he takes are wonderful. Jania can't wait.


"Jania, imma need you to watch London when you get out of work today. Jin and I are going out." Paris stands in her doorway as she texts Hoseok. She's going to tell her boss today about the trip so she needs the details again so she'll remember. It's been a couple days and she's forgotten already.

She doesn't know why Paris felt the need to tell her that. She usually never gives reasons. Jania doesn't care.

"Can you tell me in advance next time? I have a life to live too."

"That boy is not more important than my child. He can wait."

"And your daughter is not everyone's first priority. You had a baby. She's not my responsibility. She's yours."

"Girl, whatever. Being weird about your own niece over some random dude. Jin will pick her up later tonight."

"K." Jania gets up and closes the door in her sister's face. She rolls her eyes and lays back on her bed. "Jin was damn near random when you fucked him too." She mumbles under her breath as she text Yuki about her and Hobi's trip.

PSYCHE-KSJ•JHS✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt