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17 weeks, 3 days

You know that feeling you get where you feel like you've seen a place before? When you feel like you've lived through an experience already? When the scene playing itself before you feels a little too familiar?

A striking case of deja vu. An almost tangible sense of it. So real, that you believe you really have been here before.... so it seems.

So it is, as Hoseok gets off the elevator and runs down the hall of the fourth floor. He side steps nurses and maneuvers around patients until he's at the receptionist's desk. Panicked and out of breath, he stands before the man. He's trying to catch his breath at the same time that he talks to him.

"I'm here for Jania Anderson. She's in room 411."

"Date of birth?"

"July 16th, 1998."

"Okay. And you are?" The man asks as he grabs a clipboard.

"Hoseok Jung. The father of her child."

"Okay. Just sign in here for me." He puts the clipboard in front of him.

As he's signing his name, Hoseok texts Namjoon to let him know that he's at the hospital. His hands are clammy and his mind won't rest long enough for him to think at all. His heart has been beating a mile a minute for the last 20 minutes.

His eyes dart around as he walks down the hall in the direction of Jania's room. He finds room 411 and stops outside of it. He closes his eyes as they water and take a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in."

The sound of a man's voice.


Hoseok opens the door and steps inside. His eyes land on Jania immediately and his nostrils burn as his tears fall. He sniffles as he closes the door behind him. Seokjin stands up as he walks to the bed. He puts a hand on his chest, stopping him from moving.

Hoseok looks down and then back up at him. "Do you like the idea of losing all ten of your fucking fingers?"

"You have no right to be here right now." Seokjin says as his eyes are set ablaze.

"No right? Don't you have a family to tend to?"

"Apparently, I need to tend to mine and yours since  you really can't keep your head focused in the one place that needs it most."

"Jin.." Jania's quiet, tired voice breaks as she speaks. She's drowsy from the meds. But she can see the glare in Seokjin's eyes and that's enough for her to intervene.

He and Hoseok turn their heads to look at her and their eyes soften considerably. Her baby father's eyes water even more, almost spilling over at the sound of her.

"I'm telling him to go. You need to rest." Seokjin tells her.

"It's okay." She says as she puts her head back against the pillow. There's a silent pause as both of the men register what she just said. 

Hoseok pushes Jin's arm off of him, moving it to walk to the side of her bed.

"Are you sure?" Jin asks her and she nods as best she can. "Okay. I'm gonna go get you some more water then I'll be right outside the door." He grabs his keys and wallet up and kisses her forehead before he steps out.

As he closes the door, Hoseok starts talking.

"Jah, baby, I'm-." He's cut off by Jania holding her hand up. He closes his mouth and bites the inside of his cheek.

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