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31 weeks, 5 days

"Damn... so you're not coming back until after she's born?" Taehyung asks Jania as they sit on FaceTime.

"Yepah. I know it suck because y'all just love me so much and I'm everybody's favorite person in the place but my doctor wants me to be as safe as possible." She walks into the kitchen and pours herself a glass of water. "And if taking me out of work is what has to be done. Then I have to do it."

"No, I get that. Your safety and health is the most important thing along with your daughter's. That just means I'm gonna have to actually speak to other people here now." Taehyung screws his face up and Jania laughs at him.

"Boy. It is not that bad. Don't act like that. They cool... for the most part. It's a couple bitches there I don't like but you wouldn't even know cause I don't speak to them."

"Yeah, I know. Well, I figured. You walk right by most of them whe you're working."

"Because they so nosy. Bitches can barely get an 'excuse me' out of me. Move out my way hoe." Jania frowns as she twists the lid on her cup.

She's not even joking about the way that she deals with one of her coworkers. She really ignores their entire existences. It was one interaction that made her never want to talk to them again.

Hoseok was picking her up from work one day because they were going to the movies and out to eat. One of the women asked Jania if he'd be free after and she told her no, already annoyed that she had asked in the first. The woman proceeded to ask why to which Jania replied 'he's gonna have his face buried in my pussy later. Are you really that desperate?' She had an attitude at that point and the woman screw faced her before walking away.

They haven't spoken since and Jania doesn't care enough to. She realizes now that her attitude came from the idea of another woman possibly cutting into her time with him. It was planned for them to spend that whole night together. She'd have been mad if he left her. But she knows that he wouldn't have.

"How are we going to hang out now if you're not going to be home?"

Jania frowns and looks at him. "What you mean? We'll just go out."

"Your doctor doesn't want you on your feet, though. And I don't either if there's a risk of anything."

"Ugh." Jania rolls her eyes. She didn't think about this becoming a problem and because of that, she also did not think of an alternative.

Taking a deep breath in, the idea comes to her. She has a feeling that Hoseok would be upset if she invited Tae over to his house. She doesn't think he'd even let her get the words out of her mouth before he was telling her no.


"I could come to your house." Jania says.

Taehyung lifts an eyebrow as he sips his water. There's a couple beats of quiet as he gulps down the drink. He smacks his lips when the cup is empty, never taking his eyes off of her.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah, why not?" She becomes defensive.

Taehyung catches it and rephrases. "I'm not saying that you can't. I'd love to have you over. It's just.. your baby daddy isn't too fond of me, is he?"

Jania smacks her teeth and waves him off. The sound of keys jangling sounds outside of the door and she pats no mind to it.

"Boy, he don't like nobody." She tells Tae as the front door opens. "Ain't nobody worried about Hoseok."

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