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39 weeks, 5 days

"My back hurts." Jania complains as she waddles into the snack aisle. She takes another bite of her cheese and chicken quesadilla and scans the shelves.

Hoseok said that he wanted a big bag of the crunchy Cheetos so she's out getting them. Well, her and his mom. She also just needed to go shopping anyway.

With Yuki's help, she made a list and started packing her hospital bag. She's late for doing it but she hadn't had the time or energy prior. She's been sleeping or doing the best she can to sleep, rather.

All of the essentials needed are in her and Hoseok's bags. The last thing that was suggested by Namjoon and heavily agreed with by Hoseok... was snacks. The man needs snacks.

He doesn't know exactly how long they'll be in the hospital. He doesn't know if she'll already be dilated when they get there. With the way her Braxton Hicks have been hitting her, he hopes she will be just a little bit.

"You have no time left, honey." Mrs. Jung says. "Time's closing in on you. How are the contractions?"

"They're alright. A little painful but my water hasn't broken yet so, there's nothing they can do about it. They've been starting to really hurt the last couple of days, though. And they're constricting, obviously, and Mina doesn't like that." She rubs her stomach as she feels her move.

Mina's head is low and has been since Jania's stomach dropped three weeks ago. Everyone is telling her that that's the sign. She's well on her way to motherhood for sure now.

Jania finds the big bag of Cheetos and grabs them off the shelf. She tosses them into the cart and looks inside. She goes through the list in her head and can't remember if she got everything or not.

"I think she's going to be a little bit of a stubborn child. Just knowing how her father was as a child, the level of stubborn in him? Oh, his karma is coming.

"He keeps saying that she's going to act like him because she looks like me and I don't think he realizes how much that's going to backfire." Jania says as she takes her phone out.

"Oh, yeaahh. She really does look like you. In those 3D pictures, she's you through and through."

"Before I call Hoseok, do you remember what else we're supposed to get?"

"I know he did his Cheetos, his mozzarella cheese sticks aaannddd.... I can't remember the last thing." Mrs. Jung says as she furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I can't either. Let me call him. I've been trying not to because I know he's trying to get everything done before he goes on leave."

"But you know he won't mind you calling him for anything."

Jania FaceTimes Hoseok and he answers on the second ring.

"Just make sure when you line them up, they're not touching. If they dry like that, they'll get stuck together and pulling them apart either rips the gloss off or the paint off." He looks down at his phone as he walks through the studio portion of the building. "Wassup, mama? Your water break yet?"

"Uhm," the name makes her brain stop working for a second as she looks at him.

His hair is pushed back thanks to his fingers but it keep falling back onto his forehead. He also forgot his hat today and that's what usually keeps it back.

"No... my water has not broken yet. I'm fine. How are you?" Jania says playfully.

Hoseok smacks his teeth and laughs. "I'm sorry. I'm excited."

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