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"I can't believe you talked me into coming to this bitch's party."

"To be fair, I didn't think that you would completely agree." Hoseok states.

They had the conversation yesterday. Well, about attending the party in exchange for a birthday trip and about him forgetting to wear a condom in Houston.

Jania seemed to brush it off as if it were nothing and Hoseok didn't know how to take that. She had no sense of urgency or even panic at all. She just said 'okay' and when he looked at her as if there should have been more to say, she twisted her face up at him, confused.

That prompted him to reel back and realize that the nonchalance is probably best for right now.

"You bribed me with Harry Potter and New York City. I wasn't going to turn that down."

Hoseok snickers as they walk to the house. "I figured you wouldn't but you're stubborn so it was up in the air."

"My period should be over by then so sightseeing should be fun. Maybe we can get a shot of the Empire State Building."

Hoseok's head snaps in her direction as they stand on the porch. "You got it?"

"No. Not yet." She says nonchalantly as she rings the doorbell.

"When is it supposed to come?" He asks cautiously.

"On the 13th or..." She takes her phone out and then her eyebrows raise then furrow. "....14th..."

Hoseok looks at the date on her phone. His face expresses mild panic. She looks back at him and his eyes meet hers as the door opens. She turns back to face forward and Jin is standing in the doorway.

"Oh. You came." His eyes slide to Hoseok. "And you brought a guest..... great."

Jania walks by him and Hoseok follows her into the house. His eye narrows at Seokjin's remark but he ignores it, not wanting to start any problems right now.

He's got enough going on his head.

He sees Namjoon and Yuki sitting on the couch and grabs Jania's hand. They walk over to the pair. Joon reads the expression on their faces and then looks at Hoseok. He shakes his head and Namjoon's eyebrows shoot up.

He discreetly takes the bottle of alcohol off the table and puts it by his feet. Seokjin watches him from across the room. Jania grabs some chips from the bowl and sits next to Yuki. She hugs her tight and then rubs her stomach.

"I can't wait until he's born so I can give him all the kisses. He's gonna be so cute." She coos at Yuki's stomach and the pregnant woman smiles at her.

"Girl, you and me both. I'm over it now. This boy is in my ribs. He need to come on and speed grow or something. I'm about to eat some damn plant growth in a minute."

Hoseok snorts and Jania and Namjoon laugh.

"Have you seen either of them yet?" Namjoon asks and Jania eats more chips.

"Seokjin opened the door for us. I didn't really say anything to him. I'm only here so you two are forced to keep your trip promise. Where's the food? I'm hungry."

She looks around and Namjoon looks at Hoseok. He stares at him back with a blank look on his face.

"Come on. I'll show you. I'm hungry, too." Yuki grabs Jania's hand and pulls her to the kitchen where the food is.

"She didn't get her period, I take it?"

"No. She said she was supposed to get it on the 13th or the 14th she said. She just realized that it's the 19th before Jin answered the door."

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