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23 weeks, 1 day

Jania walks around her house an hour after leaving Hoseok's in gray pajamas with her hair up in a bun. Dealing with it is something that she's not willing to do at the moment.

She looks at her phone as she walks into the kitchen for a snack. She feels her daughter kick and rubs the spot.

"You start and just love the abuse, huh?" Jania jokes. She loves feeling her daughter move and she's grateful for it. Every little thump is beautiful for her.

She grabs her water bottle out the fridge and walks to the living room as her phone buzzes.

.xxl.tae.: Do you want whole milk or does it not matter? And what kind of ice do you want? Do the brands matter? For taste I mean? There's so much stuff. I'm confused.

What store are you in?
Target 😐

It's like a maze in here. A boujie ass maze.

Cool it on Target, sir. I love that store

🙄not surprised. Do you want whipped
cream too?

Help me! They're looking at me like I'm the
new kid in a high school cafeteria or something

It's like they can tell I'm the imposter

Jania smacks her teeth and laughs out loud.

What's your number? I'll FaceTime you

Tae DMs her his number and she FaceTimes him after. He's standing in the sauce and condiment aisle looking at the syrups.

"They're out of Hershey's." He tells her as he scans the shelf.

"What?" She's in disbelief.

"That's what I said. But look." He holds a bottle of Ghirardelli milk chocolate syrup. "I was gonna get this one because I know their actual chocolate bars are always good."

Jania gasps. "Ouuu. Yeah. The ones with the caramel. If you put them in the freezer for a lil bit, they're kinda crunchy and not so thick. They're perfect with the caramel after that."

Tae stares at the screen before walking to the candy aisle and grabbing two of the Ghirardelli chocolate caramel bars.

"Did you want whole milk or a different kind?"

"What do you drink?" She counters and he shrugs.

"Doesn't matter. Whole or 2 percent, usually."

"Whole milk is fine then. And then just plain vanilla ice cream."

"I got that already."

"How much stuff are you holding in one hand?" Jania asks as he opens the milk fridge.

"Just the cream and syrup. Oh and I got a can of whipped cream. I'll stop by produce and get some cherries."

"Big ass fucking hands." She scrunches her face and he cheeses and laughs.

"Again with this size thing." He shakes his head. "On today's episode of 'Are things actually big or is Jania just small-,"

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