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After their night of fun, Jania and Hoseok went back to his house. They had sex until they were too tired to move.

It's around three in the morning when he finally makes it to Leah's house.

"I been calling you all night and you just now getting here. It's mad late, I have work in the morning and my son is sleep."

"I told you that I would just come in the morning, you agreed and then recanted after. That's not my fault."

"Yeah because you said something came up and ended up at the club with Jania throwing money and dancing with strippers."

"It did come up. Their promotion manager asked me if I could stop by, I told him yes because this didn't sound like an emergency to me." He waves a finger in a circle to gesture to the situation.

"I wasn't feeling good and I wanted you here with me."

"I'm sorry, Leah. You should have said that, I would've told the man no and got over here."

He is being honest about that. If she would have told him she was sick, he'd have been at her house. He would not have stayed the whole night, though. Jania would have went out with Seokjin and he would have waited in her driveway for her to get home to chew her out.

"So it had nothing to do with Jania?" Leah crosses her arms and Hoseok bites the inside of his cheek.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Because I asked you to come here for me and you inserted some shit in because of her just to tell me no. Y'all posting pictures and shit on Instagram while I'm here crying and throwing up with a baby!" Her eyes water.

"That's not fair to me and you know it isn't." Leah tells him. Hoseok looks at her and all he sees is Jania. The way she cried and yelled. He's doing it again. He doesn't want to be that guy.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll be better about this. I'll come over more. I'll just.. have to figure some shit out with Jah."

"It would be easier if you just told her." Leah suggests. Hoseok sits on her couch and shakes his head, staring at the floor. The way Jania acted last night, he is going to have come up with very believable reasons as to why he can't be up under her during all of his free time.

"I'm not doing that so you can stop bringing it up." He scratches his neck and she sees the hickeys on them. Irritation brews. It makes her sick. Literally.

She speed walks to the bathroom and Hoseok follows her. He holds her hair back as she throws up. 

He spends the next couple of hours with her before he goes back to Jania. He can't bring himself to lay in the same bed as her after Leah just cuddled herself next to him.

He has no one to blame but himself. Everything is catching up to him and he can do nothing but deal with it.

Hoseok pulls his phone out to check the time. He sighs when he sees that it's almost seven. He checks the date and groans. 12 days. He has 12 more days until he'll know. Nine until he can spit in a tube plus the time for processing. Maybe 13 days depending on the lab.

That's enough time for him to lose his mind trying to sneak around Jania. He can't keep up a lie that long. He's never had to, he's not used to lying. Hoseok isn't a liar.

He texts Namjoon about getting coffee and the man suggests going out for breakfast. Hoseok FaceTimes him.

"I would take you up on that but-." He flips the camera to show Jania and Namjoon hums.

PSYCHE-KSJ•JHS✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن