chapter fifty one

Start from the beginning

"Yep. And he's, like, surgical royalty. So you're gonna make me look good."

"Wait, do we get to meet him?" Adrian asked.

"At some point, I guess." Billie shrugged, uninterested. "But not before you-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, all of their hands rose up into the air with evident excitement. The resident found it cute that they thought doing grunt work would give them any benefits (it would).

She chuckled. "I was gonna say not before you washed your faces and made yourselves a little more presentable." The interns lowered their hands in disappointment. "Although you will get extra points if you finish all my pre- and post-op notes, cover the clinic and give Mr. Mallmann in 2212 and Ms. Rodriguez in 2341 enemas."

Billie could see the grossed expressions on their faces, so laughed inwardly at her own malice. Nevertheless, she was surprised to notice how quick they changed their minds, since they were immediately scurrying away.

"On it!"

She laughed to herself and went on about her day.

Later that day, after visually corroborating her interns weren't asleep somewhere and were actually doing their jobs, Billie found herself dropping off some charts at the nurses station. However, as she did so, a woman approached the counter and she was shocked to recognize the familiar face.

"Rebecca?" Billie walked up to the woman.

"Oh, hi, Dr. Black." The woman smiled.

"I, uh-" She didn't know what to say. "Where have you been? I think Izzie has been trying to get in touch with you."

"You seem upset."

"Well, Izzie told me you're not pregnant, first of all," she began exasperatedly. "And Alex has been turning his life upside down to be your baby-daddy, or whatever. And neither me nor Izzie can tell him because of confidentiality. So, yes, upset."

"You can talk to Alex about anything. I want him involved. And I am pregnant," Rebecca claimed, amused. "You kind of know."

"Okay..." Billie frowned with uncertainty. "So, if you're not trying to trap Alex with a fake pregnancy, then we can run some more tests, right?"

"Trap him? Are you out of your mind?" She raised her voice slightly. "I'm pregnant. And that's a good thing! Because I want this baby. I've always wanted a baby."

This time, the resident was seriously taken aback. "You have a baby."

Rebecca paused. "Of course I do. I mean I want another one." Billie shook her head in shock. "Do the stupid test again, it'll be fine. And I need to see Dr. Sloan, can you help me with that?"

The resident glared at her. "Yeah," she said in eery suspicion. "I'll see what I can do."

After giving the situation some thought (and by some, I mean a lot, almost too much), Billie thought it fit to take a little break.

She ran up to the main conference room where supposedly Richard was talking to Walter Tapley, but much to her annoyance, George, the 'Chief's intern', was blocking the door.

"Tapley in there?" she asked, trying to look over his shoulder through the window.

"No," he claimed instantly.

"Liar," Billie retaliated.

However, before she could keep the argument going, Callie came up behind her and grabbed her forearm, carrying her to a secluded corner. On her other hand, she held Cristina's forearm, who seemed rather reluctant to being there.

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