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Despite feeling fine after being assaulted at the bar two nights prior Connor decided to go see Abby anyway as a means of making Hank feel better about the whole ordeal and to keep his promise to ensure he's making his own health a priority. Entering the Zeta Facility were the technician often worked when not volunteering at Skye Tower, the deviant detective was greeted by Barry behind the receptionist desk who confirmed his appointment, and then allowed him to walk down the corridor and into the designated exam room to meet with Abby right on time. Sitting down on the exam table Connor patiently waited for the busy and pregnant technician to arrive and preoccupied his mind by closing his eyes and cybernetically chronicling his case files at the precinct.

The door to the exam room slid open as Abby walked inside with the deviant's electronic chart in her hand. Smiling warmly she walked over to the table and put her left on Connor's forearm to greet him and to help herself feel more balanced as she stood beside her patient.

"Hi, Connor."

"Hello, Abby." Opening his eyes Connor gave the kind technician a gentle smile and couldn't help but notice that she was already showing a rather large pregnant belly at five and half months along. Considering Aria was a big baby he wasn't surprised that she was showing so much already and deduced that Abby's own prediction of having another large baby was indeed correct. "You seem to be in good spirits."

"Yeah, the hormones help." She put her right hand over her distended belly and smirked. "Sometimes anyway. So, were you really caught in a bar fight two nights ago?"

"I was attempting to stop the fight, not participate." Connor explained coolly as he slipped off his gray blazer and draped it on the table beside himself. "I had succeeded in subduing two of the three combatants outside the bar. The third man still inside the bar managed to pick me up and throw me through the large glass window in the front of the building and out onto the sidewalk."

"Ouch. Anything break?"

"No. I merely suffered numerous cuts to my artificial skin and several small Thirium lines were compromised as a result." Remaining honest Connor told Abby what he had gone through just two nights prior. "Dr. Urban at the Delta Facility cleaned up my wounds and gave me extra bandages and Thirium to aid in my recovery."

"And you're here for a check-up and to keep Hank from worrying about you, right?"


"All right. Let's get this over with so you can get back to work."

"How did you know I had a shift today?"

"Because you're only cooperative with technicians when you want to get back to a case as soon as possible."

"...Oh. I suppose you're correct about that as well."

"Relax, it's not a bad thing." Abby teased as she picked up her audioscope and slipped the ear pieces into place. "It just means you're devoted."

"Hank thinks I'm a workaholic."

"Workaholics work without ever taking vacations." Abby quipped as she proceeded to move Connor's black tie aside and press the bell of the audioscope to the deviant's chest to listen to his Thirium pump and ventilation rate. "You do go on vacation from time to time, so you're not a workaholic."

"Could you inform Hank of this fact?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll even write a note for you if you like."

Smiling faintly at the comment Connor ran a biometric scan over Abby's body and smiled a little broader at the sight of the second heartbeat inside her body. "I don't think that will be necessary."

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