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Life for androids had taken a sudden turn for the better thanks in no small part to the efforts of Markus's success in Washington D.C. and the deviants he trusted as his council at New Jericho Tower. With the new laws and android rights now in effect all androids - machine and deviant alike, were now legally equal to that of any and all humans throughout the country. Even though the vast majority of the android population still remained steadfast in Detroit the influence of the successful and peaceful Revolution had reached far and wide across the entire country. The ripple effect of the drastic changes could be felt from coast to coast and in all technologically advanced cities.

Connor in particular had achieved great progress in his deviancy as he had received his new name - his true identity, and had felt truly human for the first time since his deviancy manifested. A week after the new laws were established Captain Fowler officially gave Connor Henry Anderson the rank of Sergeant in recognition of all of his hard work as a detective in the time since he was first assigned to the precinct by CyberLife, and for all of his efforts since returning to the force after accepting his deviancy entirely.

"You do realize you just became the youngest Sergeant in Detroit history, right?" Hank congratulated Connor as the deviant returned to his desk with his updated credentials in his hands. The shiny new badge and name placard were freshly engraved with his new name and title. "That's incredible!"

"I believe being manufactured rather than aging has given me an unfair advantage in achieving such a record." Connor somewhat joked as he took his seat at his desk and proudly switched out his previous badge and shield for his new ones. "Having such a swift promotion isn't that exciting to me."

"That doesn't mean you didn't earn your promotion, kid."

"Maybe. I wonder how Gavin is going to react now that we're the same rank?"

"Personality wise, you've always outranked him, but I imagine the pain of a previously broken nose and a few loosened teeth will be enough to keep his mouth shut. For a little while anyway."

The memory of striking Gavin was vivid in Connor's mind. "I still feel bad about that."

"Don't. The prick had it coming."

Connor's blue L.E.D. flashed to yellow as a police report was filed regarding the assault of a deviant outside of a construction site downtown. The unfortunate deviant had been targeted by a former human construction worker who blamed the deviant for losing his job. Fortunately, the assault had been stopped by other members of the construction crew before it turned lethal, but the damage had already been done to the victimized deviant.

"...We have a case." Connor stated flatly as his yellow L.E.D. transitioned back to blue. "A deviant was assaulted downtown."

"Ah, cripes. It's not even noon, yet." Hank groaned as let out a deep sigh of irritation. "All right, let's go check it out."

"I'll drive." The deviant grinned playfully as he remembered his new legal driver's license safely contained in the wallet that Hank had given him as a gift shortly after he received his new I.D., just after he had been officially adopted. "It's completely legal for me to do so, now."

"Fine." Fishing the car keys from his coat pocket Hank tossed the keys over to Connor and watched as the deviant caught them in his right hand without needing to look at what he was doing. "But you're also paying for gas from now on."

"Sounds reasonable. I don't mind."

It didn't take long for the two detectives to arrive at the address of the altercation, and it took them even less time to identify the suspect who had initiated the assault against the lone deviant. Two of the other human constructions workers at the site had pulled the bleeding deviant to safety and sat him down on the flatbed of a pick-up truck. Three other human construction workers were holding the enraged man back by his arms to keep him from attacking the deviant a second time. The way the angered man was struggling to break free and go after the bleeding deviant reminded the detectives of a rabid dog being held back by a metal chain.

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