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As per his previous day's promise Connor arrived at the home of Gavin and Abby to spend some time with Aria while the young married couple went out for their date night for the first time since Aria had been born just over a year prior. Since Connor was friends with Abby, on much better terms with Gavin, and was Aria's godfather, he had no issue with volunteering his time to watch over the baby so her parents could have some fun and not suffer from undo stress. It was a little difficult to watch over the baby after enduring a painful close call the previous day, but Connor was determined to keep his word and spend some more time with his beloved goddaughter.

It was also a struggle for Connor to endure his troubled emotions after surviving so much disappointment over the course of a year. Not wanting to celebrate the holidays that year since he was still coping with the loss of his bondmate, Luke living so far away and being denied the right to adopt a child of his own, Connor desperately needed the chance to have a positive moment with someone he had grown to truly care for.

"You are a peach for doing this." Abby happily passed her daughter over to Connor to hold while she struggled to get on her slightly tighter jacket. She was four months pregnant as she played surrogate for a friend, and she was already over it. "Having a one-year-old crawling all over the house while I'm carrying another baby is not very much fun."

"I imagine being pregnant isn't comfortable regardless of how many occupants are running about." Happy to be spending time with Aria and away from work for a while, Connor held his goddaughter in his arms and against his shoulder as he casually hung his leather jacket on the hook by the front door. "How do you feel?"

"Like this is officially the last time I will ever bear children." The kind technician and loving mother admitted. "Especially since twins run in Gavin's family..."


"Yeah, and as big as Aria was and how big I think this one is going to get," as she spoke Abby rubbed her palm over her steadily swelling middle and watched as Gavin walked down the staircase to get to the livingroom. "I don't want to even think about how big I'd get with twins. I'd explode..."

"That is a frightening scenario to imagine."

"At any rate, we'll be having dinner downtown at the nice French place, 'Ne T'étouffe Pas', and then we're going to see a movie. Just call if you need anything."

"I can handle things with Aria." Speaking with pure confidence in his words Connor spoke around Aria as she playfully patted his face with her hands and giggled with pure joy. "She's a delight to spend time with."

Gavin smirked as he slipped on his shoes and pet Lucky's back to show the family cat some affection. "Yeah, now that she's well out of the colicky phase and starting to talk she's fantastic to be around." Joining Abby by the front door he made sure he had his wallet and phone then wrapped his arm around Abby's waist in a supportive manner. "Ready babe?"

"Yeah. I'm getting hungry and I know our 'little guest' could use some fancy food so they appreciate what I'm doing for them."

"Before we leave the restaurant I'll get you a nice big bottle of champagne to celebrate after the new kid's born. How does that sound?"

"Like you know exactly how to keep a pregnant woman happy. All right," giving Aria's cheek a kiss Abby grabbed her purse and opened the front door. "we'll be back around ten or eleven. Thanks so much again, Connor."

"You're welcome. Have a nice night." Stepping aside Connor watched as Gavin and Abby left the home and then proceeded to lock the front door out of instinct and a need to keep Aria as safe as possible. "We'll have a fun night, too, Aria. I promise."

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