Seeing Red

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While attempting to return to a relatively normal work routine with the police force after taking a week to recover from being abducted and tortured Connor, held his head high and accepted all reports that came his way in stride. The most curious report that Connor and Hank were given revolved around a deviant reporting a possible 'red ice' lab operating near the warehouse district. It wasn't uncommon to receive calls about suspicious activity that turned out to be false, but it was rare to have a deviant make a call that turned out to be inaccurate in any way. The investigation was practically mandatory and the two detectives were the most qualified for the job.

The drive out to the warehouse was slow and boring, which of course was a nice change of pace. Connor couldn't help but fidget with his coin during the drive as his anxiety unexpectedly began to mount.

"How're you holding up?" Hank asked as he and Connor approached the warehouse at a steady clip. Quickly taking notice of the coin dancing gracefully between Connor's hands the senior detective knew Connor was still on edge even after a week's reprieve. "You sure you want to go back to work so soon after dealing with that Jonas freak?"

"I'm okay." Connor still seemed shaky but he was determined to not let Jonas dissuade him from his duties as a detective. Danger would always come with the territory and he'd just have to find his confidence to push through it to resume his normal career. "I just want to move on and put that horrible incident out of my mind."

"Okay, it's your call."

Connor's blue L.E.D. flashed to yellow as he received an update on the case at hand. "Chris and Tina have already arrested two possible dealers at the warehouse. They need us to clarify if their supply is in fact 'red ice' before they can press charges."

"Sounds simple enough. Any witnesses?"

"The deviant who made the report had been employed as a nighttime security guard who had noticed the unusual abundance of activity at the warehouse after hours. He has also correctly identified the two men that are being held for questioning as two warehouse employees."

"Great, less paperwork for us." Hank joked as he pulled the Oldsmobile up and behind the squad car already parked outside the suspicious warehouse. "Let's go and check it out."

Pocketing his coin Connor did his best to show no fear. "Of course."

Inside the warehouse Chris and Tina were patiently 'babysitting' the two suspects who were cuffed around two large metal pipes in the center of the room when Connor and Hank entered the building. It only took Hank a quick glance to properly identify the numerous caustic chemicals and ingredients that were laid out over a large metal table as the very substances used to create the addictive and dangerous drug infamously known as 'red ice'. Connor's systems only confirmed what Hank already knew with a single scan.

Shaking his head Hank gave Chris a silent glance that told the officer to go ahead and take the two suspects to the precinct for questioning.

"We're on it, Lieutenant."

"What a damn waste of everything." Hank despondently looked at the waste of time and effort that had been put into making the highly illegal drug. So much energy was lost on creating something so destruction rather than something constructive, and it spoke volumes of the shame Hank felt on the two suspects' behalves. "This shit could've easily raked in a hundred-thousand bucks on the street."

"One-hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars to be exact." Connor calculated the actual amount as he scanned each chemical and chronicled it in his databank to file a proper report later on. With his L.E.D. pulsing yellow steadily Connor chronicled every detail of the warehouse for evidence. "Perhaps more if they found the ideal clients to sell to."

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